📣 The Insurrection Was Plan B: Part I
Gal Suburban reports that all the pieces were in place to execute a bloodless coup — except one
This is a multi-part series on a secret plan to execute a bloodless coup against the U.S. Government — using the government itself.
This work is based on the research of @gal_suburban and associates.
Part IV: The Coup at the Pentagon
Part I
The Day that Could Have Ended America
President Donald Trump, December 18th, 2020*
“Thank you everyone. Ladies and gentlemen — please have a seat. This is a great, great day.
My administration has always made the integrity of our elections a priority. A lot of people are saying that we've done the best they've seen. It's why in 2018 I signed an Executive Order giving us the ability to take a look at the fairness of our elections very quickly after voting.
So I am pleased to announce that Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has — stand up John, everyone give Director Ratcliffe a hand. He issued a big report today — and I have to say this, John — very fair.
Everyone knows there was foreign interference in the election. Foreign interference by Italy and by Venezuela, and by China — so corrupt. Now we have proof.
Pursuant to Executive Order #13848, I am directing the US Agency for International Development (USAID) to render humanitarian assistance to the States where our intelligence agencies have proven foreign meddling.
USAID, together with the National Guard, are currently moving to collect the Dominion voting machines causing so many problems. They will bring law and order to the voting process.
Once the machines are secured, we will rely on USAID together with the National Guard and local law enforcement to re-administer the election in specific states and counties with proof of foreign interference. As you know there are certain states, certain governors, who need our help, so we will give it to them.
We are sending our best people, I call them the Democracy Crusaders, they'll be great — the leadership too. I know their experience with elections abroad will be implemented strongly here at home and we'll get to the bottom of it. Thank you."
*This almost happened. Except for one thing. The report that was supposed to be delivered from the ODNI by December 18th, was not.
Plan A
The insurrection was not the original plan to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election.
There was a well-orchestrated conspiracy between multiple government agencies staffed with Trump operatives in leadership positions.
Plan A was to re-run voting in swing states — using agencies of the government itself.
Among those agencies is the plain-sounding, but massive, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). In normal times, USAID helps developing countries on behalf of the U.S. Government, including helping some run their own democratic elections.
The USAID has a huge budget — $40-50 billion — and a large, trained workforce which is deployed to deliver humanitarian assistance, internationally.
However, immediately after the election, Trump executed a leadership change at USAID to ensure it would follow through with his plan. Trump fired the Deputy Administrator of the USAID, Bonnie Glick, so the Acting Administrator and Trump loyalist John Barsa could extend his “Acting” status and take her place.
Trump also had his own “liaison” to the USAID who acted as an enforcer — 6th-generation Rockefeller and christo-fascist extremist Catharine O’Neill.
In the recording below, two of Trump‘s handpicked operatives — John Barsa and Catharine O’Neill — inform USAID employees on a conference call that they are expected to follow the script and keep quiet until told otherwise.
Needless to say, they are not discussing how to best deliver international aid or anything else related to the mission of the agency. Instead, they are discussing why “there is no [presidential] transition in place” until another person Trump installed at the General Services Administration (GSA) says so.
"You should be aware, the only official announcement about an election result that matters is from the head of GSA, so until the head of GSA makes a determination as to who won an election, nothing changes. There is no transition in place,"
— John Barsa, Acting Deputy Director of USAID, November 9th, 2020

In order to bring USAID into the plan to rerun the election, Trump needed a pretext — which he had already provided for himself in 2018.
Executive Order #13848
The plan centered around Executive Order #13848 from September 12, 2018 requiring delivery of a report on foreign interference from the ODNI within 45 days of an election.

Plan A was to use the ODNI report required by this executive order as a justification to rerun the election using USAID, the State Department through Mike Pompeo, and other components of the government and military.
The ODNI report was due to be delivered by December 18th, 2020, but that did not happen — and the conspirators had to scramble.
Plan B
Trump also installed Mike Flynn loyalists to run the Defense Department right after the election, in order to execute parts of the plan from the Pentagon. These men included Chris Miller, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Kash Patel and Anthony Tata.
Plan B was to use a physical insurrection at the Capitol on January 6th to delay the certification of the results and give time to follow through with Plan A — seizing the voting machines with the National Guard and rerunning the elections with USAID.
Importantly, both Plan A and B required the cooperation of the Pentagon.
A complete picture of January 6th requires understanding that many of the events that took place leading up to the insurrection were motivated by this original plan. It puts a number of those actions into critical context and may represent a additional crimes against the government.
Here is Mike Flynn discussing Executive Order #13848 and how he still hoped to use it — on January 5th, 2021:
Please share if you found this of value. This is an important story that is not being covered by the media. The January 6th Committee should understand the full context of the events that led up to the insurrection.
Thank you, Gal. I love and appreciate your work.
Why wasn’t the ODNI report ready by December 18, 2020?
Excellent reporting and reminder the January 6 Insurrection was Plan B. Twitter had lots of mentions of Executive Order 13848 in December 2020, mainly by Qanon/Coup Influencers who were convinced that Team Trump had put everything into place to effectively achieve the Coup Plan. Also, as I recall - many users were tagging Ratcliffe encouraging him to produce the report.
So - was Plan A conceptualized in 2020 or in 2018 when EO 13848 was issued?