1/6 Defendant: “I consider myself a digital soldier”
This man was simply doing his duty to “Q” aka Michael T. Flynn
I’m not sure how much clearer this can get. Please follow along.
Here is a simple fact. Mike Flynn invented “digital soldiers” as the term for the people running psyops for him in 2016 — MAGA3X. This is the group he started with Peter Thiel and a variety of neo-nazis and extremists, which conducted Pizzagate and QAnon along with many other harmful psyops.
This is a week after the 2016 election:
Flynn trademarked the term “digital soldiers media, llc” a few months later.
In 2020, I would estimate 20-30% of all QAnon Twitter accounts had ”#DigitalSoldier” or “⭐️⭐️⭐️,“ representing Mike Flynn’s three stars, in their handle or profile. These tended to be the more militant and aggressive accounts.
Here is testimony to the FBI from a defendant about his motivation for attacking democracy on 1/6/21.
“I went through all kinds of stuff and I was like oh my god and then along comes Q.”
“I made it to the front because I wanted that Q to be on TV.”
“I consider myself a digital soldier.”

Flynn set up his defense fund one month before QAnon started in September 2017. It was primarily QAnon followers who paid for Sidney Powell’s bizarre defense that enabled William Barr to free Flynn of his confession of lying to the FBI about his communications with the Russian government.
It is not a coincidence that Mike Flynn’s digital soldiers ALL have a fondness for Vladimir Putin.
Look, “Q” was always Mike Flynn’s alter ego. He IS Q. And he is turning his digital soldiers into physical ones ready to die for him — and Putin.