8chan Creator and Incel Wizard Wants to Debate for Mike Rothschild
Like clockwork, Fred Brennan comes to the rescue. Ron Watkins has a question.
Right after I sent out my simulated debate with chickenshit disinformation agent Mike Rothschild, his long-time BFF Fredrick Brennan came to white-knight him.
He even sent me “cover art.” I added my response to his offer to the graphic.
EDIT: Fredrick Brennan is claiming my use of this image is “copyright infringement” when it is clearly commentary in the context of telling this story. It is a necessary component. Trying to get it taken down is a form of social media fascism.
Fredrick Brennan really wants everyone to believe that Ron Watkins and Paul Furber are “Q,” which is provably false. If Fred wants to debate, he can respond to #BehattedFuckwit Ron Watkins.
PS. Fred is still “copypaste.”
CW: All the yikes. Read at your own peril.
What a FKN idiot he is. Let me kick his ass, Jim. I'll even let him start horizontally
Nazi Frederic wants the text NOPE removed from the image above.
Others have suggested he simply contact you, but he wasn't having it.
The biggest display of nothing I've seen this week.