A little perspective
If you’ve been around for a bit you see I’m covering several things at once
I know what I do covers a lot of different ground, but there are three basic topics I’ve been focusing on:
The fascist right-wing cult that is current assaulting democracy through QAnon+.
Disinformation actors on all parts of the political spectrum.
The coordinated assault I’m continuing to experience even after I was falsely banned from Twitter.
These may seem largely unrelated but they’re not. It’s all part of the same coiled up mass of serpents that have been growing in our society for decades. They’ve all been set loose at once for some sort of pathetic Final Battle with liberal democracy.
QAnon is now fully on the side of Vladimir Putin. Not metaphorically. Literally.
The people on other parts of the political spectrum who are, for whatever reason, predisposed to defending Putin, are continuing to do so, in spite of the fact he’s murdering thousands as we speak. And more seem to pop up all the time.
And my assigned set of trolls, whose job it is to keep me silent and damaged, has gotten more desperate and error-prone as they lose the narrative and get exposed as liars and ops. But there will always be more of those to be hired as long as we keep all of this in the dark…
My goal has always been to shine a light on this entire project to infiltrate the American public and turn us against each other through psyops and propaganda. If I need to set my self on fire for a while to generate the light… here I am.🔥😘
Here's a Twitter thread about a reporter's experience with harassment for writing about fake social media sites. Keep up what you're doing!
Love it "If I need to set my self on fire for a while to generate the light… here I am." I'm glad Substack is working out for you. Keep your eye on the prize brother, it's as if the trolls are continuing to attack you to keep you preoccupied with their little games.