A Short Note to the Controlled Opposition
You should stop while you’re behind
For new folks, this list is “Trolls and Miscreants” which is where I communicate directly with bad actors. Think hand-to-hand combat. If that’s not your thing you can unsubscribe from this one and still get the vast majority of my posts. 🙏
I’m starting to get some incoming flak from the usual crew so I wrote a note to them on Twitter. If you have made the unwise decision to still be on the bird, please do me a favor and retweet.

A short note to the controlled opposition to QAnon who are currently harassing me and my friends:
You have been trying to silence me for 2 1/2 years. You have smeared me, defamed me, and tried to discredit my work because your job is to create a false narrative.
The problem is that your accusations are transparently false and the narrative you have been gatekeeping has proven to be propaganda.
Here are things you have been aggressively wrong about:
Q and QAnon
Mike Flynn
Russian influence
Your entire existence is built on the foundation of making sure QAnon remains a mystery forever. Moreover, you need it to continue, so you can write more fake books, do more snarky podcasts, and write more bullshit threads.
You simply cannot have people knowing the truth. 👇

In your project to prevent me from informing people about these crucial issues, you launched a multi-year, coordinated, incessant campaign to torment me and make me so radioactive no one would talk to me.
You engineered my ban from Twitter and used the opportunity to torture me.
For an entire year, I watched while literally hundreds of mostly anonymous accounts spun threads and threads of lies and distortions and searched for any positive mention of my name to troll so it would be painful for anyone to share my work while I was in exile.
Now that I’m back you are trying your old tricks of sliding into my threads to lie, trolling my friends, and DMing people with smears and distortions.
Well, in the year I was gone I collected intelligence on nearly all of you, as you know. A lot of it. Databases full.
I have no desire or intention of publishing all my receipts on Twitter of your heinous lies and coordinated harassment. I have no desire to publish the full names of the people who have been trying to hide your identities for years.
But if you continue your harassment, I will.
You are free to spin away in your echo chamber and lie to your cult but if you continue to get in my way, I will do what is necessary to clear the record.
Here is my simple rule:
If you lie about me, I reserve the right to tell the truth about you. 👍🏼
All with real brains know their platform ...deter..denial...and thx Jim for the truth
These people.
If they had any reason at all they would cease instead of continuing their illegal activities supporting fascists all the way up the chain.