American ISIS: QAnon Cultist Murders Sex Offender Because of “Research on Telegram”
This was always Flynn’s goal. Telegram needs to be SHUT DOWN in the US.
h/t The incomparable @Clayberg — please follow her.
Rory Banks of Wheatland, CA murdered a man he had never met because “he spent a lot of time on Telegram” “doing research” — which was “what led Banks to believe some of the wild claims found online.” This “research” was QAnon and associated ideologies.
However, there are more than “several QAnon influencers” on Telegram as stated in the article. There are thousands of QAnon propaganda accounts on Telegram. And tens of millions of our citizens following them. Each and every one of those people is being brainwashed into the same ideology that drove Rory Banks to commit murder against strangers. Telegram needs to be shut down in America.
QAnon cult member Rory Banks had an arsenal and a “hit list with four names and addresses, and an intent to murder every person in Wheatland listed on California’s sex offender registry.”
He did this because he was “convinced certain conspiracy theories were real.” The same conspiracy theories that convinced David DePape to try to murder Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer.
This is always what QAnon was for. It’s a pipeline where the ultimate goal is to create people willing to commit murder and/or suicide for the cause. It is literally American ISIS. Rory Banks is Mike Flynn’s plan in action.
It is also notable that Rory Banks lived in Yuba County, which is literally trying to secede from California. Yuba County is also where Mike Flynn threatened to “shoot someone in DC” with an AR15.
Rory Banks and David DePape are just the beginning. Flynn‘s “digital soldiers” are going physical.
#ArrestMikeFlynn #BanTelegram