Catholic Fascism: Knights of Malta and Opus Dei
Part I: How the Knights of Malta are executing a thousand-year Crusade against Islam through terrorists like Erik Prince, Anders Breivik and Brenton Tarrant
Part I
In 1991, Erik Prince interned in Russian asset Dana Rohrabacher’s office along with Rohrabacher’s aide, Russian asset Paul Behrends — who mysteriously died three weeks before 1/6.
Paul Behrends was a Knight of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) — a lay order of the Catholic Church.
At Easter in 1992, Prince converted to Catholicism and was knighted into the Order of Malta with Behrends. Here is Erik Prince talking about the “Knights of Malta tradition” on Russia Today in 2014:
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There are less than 15,000 Knights worldwide, but the Sovereign Order of Malta (SMOM) has official diplomatic relations with more 100 countries, has a permanent observer seat at the UN, and operates as its own quasi-nation-state.
SMOM is descended from the Hospitallers who were supposedly the humanitarian arm of the Christian Crusades to eliminate Islam 950 years ago. They are not the same as the Knights Templar, who were the military arm of the Crusades, but they are often conflated.
Here are some confirmed members of the Order of Malta, although their membership list is largely secret:
Erik Prince, Blackwater
Paul Behrends, Rohrabacher, Blackwater
Joseph Schmitz, Defense Department IG, Blackwater
Rupert Murdoch, Fox
William Casey — Director of the CIA for Reagan, founder of the Manhattan Institute
Alexander Haig, Secretary of State for Reagan
William Donovan, OSS, Founder of the CIA
Leonard Leo, Federalist Society, Opus Dei, installed five SCOTUS justices
Phyllis Schlafly, CNP, Eagle Forum (Dame)
Gen. Stanley McChrystal
Adm. William McRaven
Cardinal Raymond Burke, Steve Bannon ally, anti-vax propagandist
Nazi criminal Franz von Papen
Jimmy Savile, convicted pedophile
The front presented by SMOM is one of “humanitarian aid” to foreign countries. And it certainly may do some actual charitable work. However, the behavior of many of its members is consistent with its historic purpose — to build a Crusade for elimination of Islam from the Earth.
Here’s a report from Keith Olbermann describing how Erik Prince used Blackwater as an instrument of the Crusades by murdering as many Muslims as he could in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Here is Knight of Malta, anti-vaxx, Bannon-allied, Cardinal Raymond Burke openly expressing genocidal islamophobic opinions and specifically citing the Battle of Lepanto in 1571 and the Battle of Vienna in 1683.
The Knights of Malta themselves are not the only issue, however — it’s who they inspire. Here is Brenton Tarrant’s shotgun just before he murdered 51 Muslims in Christchurch, New Zealand in March 2019. He references Malta and the same two historic battles that Cardinal Raymond Burke did.
He displayed Nazi propaganda on the same weapon.
Here’s a quote from Tarrant’s manifesto making very clear that he felt that he was dutifully executing the Crusades:
Brenton Tarrant was himself inspired by another white supremacist mass murderer — Anders Breivik.
Anders Breivik murdered 77 people in Norway in 2011. He claimed to have joined the Knights Templar and, like Tarrant, considered himself a legitimate combatant in a thousand year old plan to commit genocide against Islam.
Here’s Paul Ray, who Anders Breivik says invited him into the “Knights Templar.” Ray is a neo-nazi terrorist living in Malta and admits he may have influenced Breivik but denies any further influence.
More to come…
Yup. This shit is real. I didn't realize Prince was related to Rohrabacher though. That really opens up a lot... 🤔