Once again, we are faced with a mass murderer wielding a long gun in a school.
They had seven security officers. As Shannon says:
“It’s the fucking guns.”
According to @stlpublicradio, there were SEVEN security officers inside the St. Louis school, but the gunman was still able to bring a long gun to the third floor where he murdered two people and wounded seven others.
It’s the fucking guns.
Here’s what it looks like to survive. No child should have to live like this. And no parent should put up with it either.
It is the fucking guns. We need to get serious about getting weapons of war off our streets.
We have two weeks to get out the vote. It’s the only way to have a chance to stop this madness.
Vote now. Get everyone you know to do it too. There is nothing more important. We owe it to these kids.
The accelerationism is having an effect & this narrative abt 'lone gunmen' needs to stop.
These wannabe martyrs don't need specific marching orders to wreak havoc. History repeats.
The picture of the teacher on a nature walk with her dog, the one that gave her life to help the kids....hit home. The goal is to break us obviously. Maybe bc too last night on the scanner I heard that down the street patrons of a restaurant were hiding in the bathroom bc of an active shooter. Well it turned out to be someone throwing rocks at the windows. We shouldn’t be living like this & we shouldn’t fvcking stand for it. No matter how long it takes to fix it & we can’t let them break us down. It’s what they want.