CIA: Putin’s threat of nukes is not to be taken “lightly”
Putin’s totalist ideology makes him an existential threat
Given the CIA has now publicly warned that Putin may use nukes, I’d like to reshare a few articles that are relevant. This is a very important article by Robert Jay Lifton who says that Putin is not mentally per se, but he has developed a totalist ideology that allows him to rationalize any conceivable action that meets his goals.
As I said two months ago, if Putin is cornered, nothing is off the table, including nukes.
Anyone who doubts this should look at his Nazi-like war crimes in Bucha and Mariupol.
At the same time Putin is losing and desperate in Ukraine, so is his fifth column in the United States. The Cult that grew out of QAnon has lost all pretense of being anything but a pro-Putin anti-democratic movement led by traitors bent on destroying the concept of liberal democracy.
There is no more fig leaf on this, and there is no more doubt about who is in charge of these enemy combatants — the worst traitor in the history of the United States, Michael T. Flynn.
ICYMI, here’s the big picture. Mike Flynn and Putin agreed to work together to destroy democracy in 2015 and have been trying hard ever since.
This is a war that we need to start fighting. #ArrestMikeFlynn
Sadly ,we are now totally surrounded by existential threats thanks to predatory capitalism and the billionaire set that it fosters.
I can't see the end to this. I really don't think there is an ending short of a nuclear event...unless Putin...disappears...? Just sayin'.