Citizen’s Guide to 2nd Grade Warfare #2GW
Fight the war with the rules that exist, not the ones you hope for
After being sprung from 363 days in Twitmo, I made the decision to take advantage of the opportunity, despite the downsides. At the end of the day, this is an information war, and a psychological war. We need to fight it with the rules that exist, not the ones we hope for.
This is one of the first posts I made over a year ago when I got banned. Twitter is in fact an influence war. And war is ugly.
Here’s an article about the “ops” that pervade social media and the damaging tactics they employ to change narratives by smearing, silencing and terrorizing people. I repeat, you should only be on Twitter if you have a reason. Otherwise it’s just a grinder for your sanity. #EvacuateTwitter
However, if you are still on the platform and willing to mix it up a bit, there are things that are well within the Twitter Terms of Service that can make life more difficult for bad people. For example, Mike Flynn is doing a Twitter Space today to talk about his psyops handbook “Citizen’s Guide to 5th Generation War” with his employee and former Q drop writer, Kremlin propagandist Tracy Diaz. Flynn probably doesn’t want people to bring up “Q.” 🤓

Also, Twitter is driven by trends, unfortunately. But these can be taken advantage of as well. When I see a topic rife with disinformation, I will intentionally hijack it to inject truth and facts. For example, the psychological anti-vax hoax “#DiedSuddenly” is at the root a simple fallacy, so the tactic to combat it is to simply use their own hashtag to show them how it works.

When Kremlin propagandist Jimmy Dore was trending I made sure to explain who he really is.

It is also valuable to expose disinformation — properly labeled — and to show how others successfully fight it. For example Malcolm Nance, who has been targeted by Mike Flynn, laying waste to a bunch of propagandists.

Of course, when you go up against people with inflated, fragile egos, you will get a reaction, so make sure you have an alt for monitoring. 😇

Note that it seems that Elon Musk has been forced to be less “controversial” in his tweets, probably by the board of Tesla. Nonetheless, he listened to Daily Stormer editor Andrew Anglin and allowed Nick Fuentes back on the platform, so I took the opportunity to explain Musk’s ideology.

But it does seem there are limits to Elmo’s free speech absolutism. Fuentes only made it about 12 hours.
While I will never suggest using harmful psyops techniques on anyone, even against those who are doing it to others, I have shown a few tactics that can help make a dent in propaganda without breaking any rules or hurting anyone. For fun, I will call this “2nd Grade Warfare.” More to come. #2GW
Jim, your hate trolls, one in particular who seemingly is upset I support you, are having hissy fits. Cracks me up. Mincemeat Prison Gangs tears are fkn delicious 😋