So, if there is one term my trolls don’t like, it’s when I call them controlled opposition. The reason is they know that’s exactly what they are.
The “Q research” community I tried to connect and work with from the very beginning of my work turned out to be a coordinated operation to misdirect people about QAnon. Worse, it was set up to attack anyone who didn’t fit their agreed upon narrative.
The people trolling me from the “left” are there to enforce their false QAnon story, destroy the reputation of anyone who doesn’t buy what they’re selling and embed themselves with people who should know better.
The nice thing about being off Twitter is that it has allowed me to do some work to understand the GamerGate-style cult that’s been set up to attack people like me.
Yeah, it’s a cult. No different from GamerGate. It’s about bonding together to sadistically attack a target and bring them down.
Not only is it a cult but it’s been set up by the same people who set up QAnon.
I’m going to leave this here for a bit while I work on my next piece which will be full of receipts. Note, I have not named anyone. Let’s see what happens. 🤓
Yea, it was interesting. I think it was the first time you were banned, I noticed it before I saw some Free Jim tags. And I wrote a tweet to ask WTF. (I had started following you over your Flynn research in general, not Q specifically.) I had a whole lot of people telling me it was better that you were gone and that you were all on the wrong track with Q, etc. I should go back and look now, in light of my more recent understanding. It was quite baffling to me since I have found your research (along with a couple others) fits the insurrection narrative very well and is invaluable. Thanks for your work. Sorry you're having all this BS, but I guess it makes sense they'd want you to shut up.