So I had this weirdo on my list for a while as someone to watch as a probable Bannon asset. He’s been running around claiming Bannon and Guo actually work for the Chinese along with other dumbassery.
Then I saw this about “Clint Ehrlich” and wondered…
Yep, Clint lives in Russia and does Russian propaganda for a living. Dan just stays here to do it. Then I guess they fake fight — “we found he worshipped the old gods Moloch and Baal?” 👹
Look at this asshole. Cry more comrade.
Denouncing the Claremont institute and Israelis? Does he know Chuck Johnson by any chance?
The 2016 Florida flash mob and Texas pro- versus anti-Muslim where on one side of the street a white nationalist protest, and on the other, a group of Americans for Muslims. gatherings are just two times that were operations born out of Russia. At this point any thing Flynn does is by proxy a Russian Op.