John Durham was installed by Bill Barr to protect Mike Flynn and promote QAnon. D’oh!
The latest target of the batshit “Durham investigation” was acquitted after tens of millions of dollars were spent to drum up something — anything — to attack Hillary Clinton with.
There’s a reason the last English word “Q” aka Mike Flynn said was “Durham.”
John Durham is a hack put there by Bill Barr to continue the propaganda campaign that started against Hillary Clinton in 2016 through the justice system. This was a $40 million theatrical play that was never real or justified.
Anyone promoting this garbage is catastrophically ignorant or intentionally spreading disinformation for an agenda.
Like this guy. Knock it off, dude. This isn’t 2017 — stop behaving like Mensch. And FFS stop bashing Hillary while democracy burns. You are telling on yourself.
I beg to differ, Dude. The propaganda campaign against Hillary started at least as early as 1992. The cyber-phase kicked off around 2008, and went into hyper-drive around 2016. I have been watching the whole time. WW0 is the War Against Women. Women are and always have been even more threatening to white male dominance than people of color.
Putting the BULL in Durham.