Devin Nunes, who I lovingly referred to on Twitter as #CatastrophicStumblefuck, has lost yet another of his LOLSuits captained by Steven S. Biss, a man worthy of both scorn and serious investigation.
This was just propaganda in the form of a quarter billion dollar lawsuit.
I note again proudly that when the Flynn family filed a $75 million LOLsuit against CNN expressing their horror that they were associated with QAnon 😂, they of course hired compromised lawyer to cult leaders and traitors Steven S. Biss, who included my completely accurate tweets in the filing.
In the meantime, Nunes has given up larping as a Congressman and is busy setting up “Q” on Trump’s new Twitter ripoff “Truth Social.”
It should also be noted that when Nunes sued Twitter using Steven S. Biss for a different quarter billion dollars in 2018, “Q” knew all about it before Twitter did. 🧐
Jim, please explain what you man by Nunes is Trump's Russian mafia lieutenant. Why is he working for Trump and the Russian mafia? Is he compromised? Is Nunes in it for the money? Is there an idealogical component? Is he also connected to the CNP?