Edward Snowden stole and leaked a massive amount of US military intelligence secrets from a “top-secret network run by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and used by intelligence arms of the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines.”
Hold the phone.
At this time, Edward Snowden was a contractor for the NSA.
Why did Edward Snowden have access to a top-secret DIA network?
Mike Flynn was head of the DIA until “he was … forced out of his position at DIA as part of a leadership ‘shake up.’” The article above was from May 2014. Flynn didn’t officially leave until August 2014.
A year and a half later Flynn did this:
And where is Edward Snowden now? In Russia, as a “political asylee.”
Who received the classified information in the press?
As I’m sure my readers are aware, Glenn Greenwald is a permanently compromised Russian propagandist who has a show on Peter Thiel’s propaganda video network Rumble and goes on Tucker Carlson’s neo-nazi show all the time.
Barton Gellman recently wrote an article portraying Flynn as “crazy” — which is false:
Here’s an interview with Mike Flynn which discusses Putin’s annexation of Crimea, which happened under Flynn’s nose. But it also discusses Edward Snowden.
In order to really unwind what has gone wrong in America, we’re going to need to get to the bottom of the Russian operation to compromise a wide swath of Americans. At the head of the snake Putin has created is the worst traitor in American history — Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Thomas Flynn.
Well these are threads I've never seen intertwined — and it makes perfect sense.
The event that might trigger maga is that Flynn/Putin will have their martyr Trump assassinated. Tick Tock.