Did Mike Rothschild’s Abbreviated Fashion Career Come Via Susan Portnoy?
NYC-based Susan Portnoy is on an extended contract to defame me. Mike Rothschild had a one-story fashion career in the NY Post. 🤔
For at least six months of the last two years, Susan Portnoy, who runs the @KassandraSeven account, which was started in August 2016, was being paid to create content about me full-time and had dozens of temporary employees to help her, all to try and justify my inauthentic permanent ban from Twitter.
Anyway, Susan still seems to have a notification set up for my name as sort of a “maintenance contract” for her to swoop in every time anyone mentions me in a positive way. I’m pretty sure she gets paid per “event.”
Susan, here’s the thing. Every single dollar you have received for your harassment is going to come back to me with a large coefficient. So please keep it up. I know exactly how much the fancy apartment your folks gave you is worth now.
With punitive damages we’re almost there.
As far as “washed up,” let’s be clear. I’m keeping the lights on by developing applications using computer vision, large language models (AI) and augmented reality part time while I do work exposing disinformation more than full-time. I work 20 hours a day, 7 days a week, on average, in order to barely stay above water.
You do nothing but come up with ways to torment people, and to blatantly lie in order to distort the narrative — as you have for six years now, with Twitter’s consent.
As far as a “psyop” it’s funny you mention that. Because your team denied that psyops even existed before.
Here’s Mike Rothschild during his long influence campaign to net Ben Collins into his disinfo cult with Fred Brennan. Apparently Ben is now running around vouching for Mike and getting him appearances in places that should know better. What an embarrassing clusterfuck for everyone concerned.
Rothschild is saying the opposite of the truth to a journalist to influence him to do stories that serve Rothschild’s goals. It’s propaganda directly targeted at someone to change their behavior. This is literal psyop that has gone on for years, not just against Ben — but many others whose names are known to me.
To be clear, Rothschild knew what QAnon really was because internet terrorist Doug Stewart told him about it before “Q” even started. Rothschild wants to keep QAnon a mystery—“a conspiracy of everything”—because that’s literally his only job. The media needs to stop getting snookered by him and his dumpster fire disinfo book that intentionally makes QAnon seem super cool and illuminates nothing.
Which brings me to this brutally cringe article in fascist rag NY Post. This was six weeks before the 2016 election, in September. Weird subject, and weird timing. 🤨
Despite Mike’s storied history as a fashion maven, I wonder who made this happen? Was it Susan Portnoy’s waning press contacts in NY or did Doug Stewart pull some strings through Breitbart? Just asking questions.
I mean, come on. Here’s your “Q expert” everyone. TF is this? 😂
BTW, Mike Rothschild hates Hillary Clinton as much as he loves Flynn and Russia. 🤷♂️
Wow. ELLE it isn’t. So, Mike, Off-White or Dior Homme? Karl’s cat Choupette knows more about fashion than Mike ever will. 😹
He’s gawd awful!