So, this $1.6 billion lawsuit is extremely important. The level and persistence of the defamation against Dominion and Smartmatic was absolutely incredible.
While there is no comparison between a corporation and Sandy Hook parents, from a legal perspective this case may have a similar impact as the near-billion dollar judgement recently handed down against white supremacist propagandist Alex Jones.
FoxNews is a Kremlin propaganda distribution channel. It spews neo-nazi ideology all day long. It is incredibly important that the people it harms stand up to it and hold it accountable.
FoxNews is an industrial brainwashing channel that lies for money and power. I hope the jury understands that and destroys FoxNews forever.
It needs to go.
#takedownfknfaux. Bunch of fatherfukers
The language "Trafficking in Propaganda" - enabling us to understand the full insidious predatory nature of "trafficking" and full insidious predatory nature of "propaganda" is definitely revolutionary for the human mind to grasp the full insidious predatory, and debilitating, nature of trafficking.