Doug Stewart wants to talk about 2011
I was creating an Emmy-winning interactive comedy. Doug Stewart was running propaganda for Erik Prince.
Doug Stewart remains upset with me for disclosing things about his past after being attacked by his network for a year and a half.
He apparently hired this person — AllSeeingEwe, who I will not name at this time mostly because some of her videos are hilarious — from his network, who couldn’t help but brag a couple weeks ago about how much money she’s making from a new benefactor creating videos to troll a new target. I wonder who it could be. 🤔
Here’s a video Doug Stewart posted of me about me being a “larper.” This is not AllSeeingEwe’s best work, but I was also terrible at public speaking when this interview was shot in 2011. I’m still not great, but I can talk without being terrified at this point.
Anyway, the platform I was talking about and the show I was promoting, won a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding Achievement in an Original Interactive Series.
As I said in the interview, there is a good reason that these platforms don’t allow you to fake tweets and posts. That was the point. And yet Doug Stewart and AllSeeingEwe want you to think I’m somehow the mastermind of an enormous LARP to… I’m not quite sure what. 🤷♂️
Let’s take a look at what Doug Stewart was doing in 2011 by contrast — which was delivering propaganda for international terrorist Erik Prince so he could make more money in Libya.
In March, a friend of mine who is a private security contractor in North Africa gave me a call and said there was a problem.
— Douglas Matthew Stewart, Sept 2011
Here’s how that turned out.
Not coincidentally, Erik Prince hires and trains a lot of people to “infiltrate liberal groups.” He trains Project Veritas ops at his ranch in Wyoming and facilities in Virginia.
I wonder if Doug Stewart still knows Erik Prince. Would his current behavior match with that possibility? Would it make sense that he would have helped start “Q” which benefitted Erik Prince’s best friend Mike Flynn?
Here is another video on Doug Stewart’s YouTube channel. Try harder, Doug.