Emily Molli: Correcting the Record
Your old friend and Proud Boy propagandist Zach Roberts says you worked for CCTV and Russia Today
UPDATE: Proud Boy propagandist Zach Roberts has changed his “About” page based on the crying of his old fren Emily Molli. She emailed me to point me to his “correction.”
Emily Molli and Rocco Castoro from The Knowpes emailed me a lot yesterday. Emily seemed particularly perturbed that I stated that she “cooperates with foreign enemy nation-states” through her work with RT and CCTV.
Based on advice, I responded to everything they said with:
“Do not contact me, my friends, or acquaintances directly or indirectly, by third party or another person again. Stop your harassment and your defamation and leave me alone.”
However, Emily Molli’s good friend and Proud Boy propagandist Zach Roberts has this on his website which seems pretty clear.
“Emily Molli // video/photographer for RT, CCTV and many more”
Dis you Emily Molli?
What about this?
Molli and Castoro are chaos agents, nothing more. Their larping as “journalists” is just a lame fig leaf for cryptofascist chaos operations. Anyone listening to them is either an op or a moron.
And once again for the record, Emily Molli, Rocco Castoro and Rob Waldeck:
“Do not contact me, my friends, or acquaintances directly or indirectly, by third party or another person again. Stop your harassment and your defamation and leave me alone.”
Stepped into that too.