Julian Assange knows everything about everyone, including all 12 of these guys. They want him “free” because they do not, under any circumstances, want him talking.
In 2010, Julian Assange was exposing what the United States was doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. Erik Prince and Mike Flynn were operating there and did not appreciate being exposed.
Erik Prince and Peter Thiel are very close and are deeply connected to anti-Islamic Catholic extremists Order of Malta and Opus Dei.
At the time, Peter Thiel was setting up his data collection and psyops company Palantir. So Thiel conspired with others to run an operation to silence Assange — and Glenn Greenwald. It was called “Team Themis.”
Assange and Anonymous exposed this plan which led to Peter Thiel and Erik Prince doubling down.
Themis disappeared, but Thiel and Prince netted their targets anyway. Both Assange and Greenwald were compromised. Karl Rove manufactured rape charges on Assange to freeze him.
Additionally, Anonymous was deeply infiltrated by chaos agents and Russian ops in retaliation.
In 2016, Thiel, Prince, Flynn plus Steve Bannon and Roger Stone used Wikileaks to validate the lies against Hillary Clinton that led to the theft of the presidential election.
Wikileaks published hacked emails from John Podesta obtained by “Guccifer” who was a cutout of the Russian government-run Internet Research Agency and was introduced to Roger Stone by Jerome Corsi. Corsi is a member of the Council for National Policy and worked with Flynn-employee Tracy Diaz to run the “Q” LARP from November 2017 to August 2018.
In those Podesta emails was an invitation to a performance art piece that included the words “Spirit Cooking” which was used to create the dangerous PizzaGate psyop. Assange then used Wikileaks to promote PizzaGate.
Mike Flynn, of course, was also promoting this fiction. Here he uses Bannon’s Breitbart, who turned GamerGate into the alt-right, to promote Erik Prince telling lies about Anthony Weiner and Hillary’s emails. Note “#spiritcooking”.
Of course, Mike Flynn’s “digital soldiers” in MAGA3X were doing the ground work of inauthentically amplifying these lies to create undue influence aka brainwashing through repetitive propaganda. Here is neo-nazi Anthony Gionet aka Baked Alaska (3X) amplifying PizzaGate simultaneously. Gionet was arrested for being a 1/6 insurrectionist.
The theft of the election in 2016 was a conspiracy between the Russian government and a collection of fascists and traitors led by Mike Flynn. Wikileaks and Julian Assange were a willing part of that conspiracy and none of the operators want him to tell what he knows about it.
Here’s another guy who was a big part of the plan in 2016, neo-nazi Chuck Johnson, who delivered messages from his boss Peter Thiel to Julian Assange with Russian asset Dana Rohrabacher in tow. Note his sign.
He resurfaced a few months ago and is now trying to rehabilitate his image which is bullshit. I will note this account was suspended the next day.
On Telegram, the account “E” which is now dedicated full time to the “Free Assange” cult is upset that Assange may be extradited. And the messages in his channel are quite telling.
It should be noted that Roger Stone stooge, insurrectionist Jason Sullivan, was partners on the “E” account in 2020.
There is a link to “NEWS ABOUT WW3” on the channel
Here’s the content being promoted next to “Free Julian Assange.”
Pure, unadulterated Russian government propaganda:
UPDATE: The Russian Federation has weighed in.
Hey Jim. I have a Roger Stone video you may find interesting. And who can get enough Roger Stone! I'd like to link it to you privately. I'm a Substack MindWar subscriber and am wondering where I might be able to do that.
I really hate substack, fyi