It’s like kabuki or noh; a niche knowing isn’t enough, when and how it’s presented matters -- and in this case, follow up: the Dems hammering this home (likewise the broad, mass repression the GOP has admitted being committed to) and those opposed voting like their lives are at stake. (Voting is the only thing like power we have, such as it is.)
Fantastic info was delivered to the masses. It might even somewhat limit the mainstream’s support for the GOP -- every bit helps.
It’s like kabuki or noh; a niche knowing isn’t enough, when and how it’s presented matters -- and in this case, follow up: the Dems hammering this home (likewise the broad, mass repression the GOP has admitted being committed to) and those opposed voting like their lives are at stake. (Voting is the only thing like power we have, such as it is.)
Fantastic info was delivered to the masses. It might even somewhat limit the mainstream’s support for the GOP -- every bit helps.