Excuse me, but if you are promoting neo-nazi Chuck Johnson, you are a moron or an op
Which is it Eric?
Are you fucking kidding me dude? Do you have any idea who Chuck Johnson is? Are you seriously sharing his conspiracy theory that Barry Diller did the Las Vegas massacre? What. Is. Wrong. With. You?
Do you know Chuck Johnson is an avowed Holocaust-denying white supremacist anti-Semite? Does that ring a fucking bell?
Do you know he visited Russian asset Julian Assange with Russian asset Dana Rohrbacher while Wikileaks was helping to steal the election?
Do you know he started face-recognition Clearview AI for Peter Thiel with a bunch of other nazis?
Chuck Johnson was instrumental to giving Peter Thiel’s operative Jeff Giesea the ideas around “memetic warfare” that he used to set up MAGA3X which stole the 2016 election and started QAnon. Did you know that before you posted his anti-semitic bullshit to your followers on Twitter?
What about that time accused pedophile sex trafficker Matt Gaetz invited Holocaust denier Chuck Johnson to Trump’s State of the Union?
Why are you infecting good people with CHUCK JOHNSON’s eliminationist ideas and conspiracy theory distractions about Hillary Clinton? Are you seriously trying this shit in the year 2022 while our democracy is burning?
ICYMI, the AlfaBank hoax was intentional disinformation to distract leftists from the criminals so they could blame Hillary Clinton. But maybe you knew that since you pal around with some of the people who perpetrated it?
Fucking moron. At best.
Go up the management chain a level or two and you'll find the Battle of the Billionaires/Clash of the Titans. Barry Diller is good friends with Jeff Bezos. Chuck Johnson is closely aligned with Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and the alt-right NRx crowd.
OMG! I'm so happy you're tearing into this, Jim. We've all been played by this a**hole.