As we have seen, a group of psychopaths and traitors have been terrorizing America since 2015 — led by Putin’s General Mike Flynn.
Their primary weapon has been fear and the trauma it causes.
Flynn and his allies figured out how to use fear and trauma to brainwash a large segment of the US population. They used data analytics, ISIS techniques and sophisticated military PSYOP tactics combined with Russian propaganda disguised as “Pizzagate,” “QAnon,” the “Big Lie,” and numerous other weaponized conspiracy theories to create undue influence in tens of millions of Americans.
Approximately a third of the country has been affected. A third.
Dictators throughout history have used fear as a tool to control their population because fear is the mind-killer. Our job is to make sure it doesn’t work. Turn the fear around on them.
That’s why the cult is currently generating terror about food and vaccines and inflation and solar flares and monkeypox and whatever else they can think up. They want the world to be terrified and unable to react appropriately.
However, with Putin’s failure and the net closing around his American assets, the fear they have been using as an offensive weapon against all of us has now turned and swung back towards them. You can smell it.
Up and down the network, from Putin’s desperate “mobilization,” to Trump’s blatant incitement of QAnon, to Flynn and Vigano calling for an “antiglobalist alliance,” to the psychotic dead end my dedicated trolls have found themselves in — their behavior shows fear. They are scared. Really scared. Good.
They know it’s over soon. The fear they are experiencing is overwhelming their ability to handle their own existential crises. So they are lashing out, trying to circle the wagons, and falling on their faces every single time.
Not gonna lie, I love it. That fear is there for a reason. Because their life as they knew it is over. They are losing this war and the fascist tears have just begun to flow.
What do the kids say again?
Cry moar. Cope and seethe, bitches.
Your fear is the wind beneath my wings. Let #TheShriekening begin.
The dumpster fire is glorious ❤️
"Watch now (1 min) | Matt and Doug make big plans for pooping on my Substack"
And, what have you found from Substack, Jim? What word from them?