The Federalist is fascist trash. This is no secret, but they usually try to have a bit of a fig leaf about their real intentions. They just published this batshit attack on the FBI, naming all of Mike Flynn’s enemies and defending him for his treasonous conduct working for the Russians. General Q is stoked for this article of course but why is he focused on this right now? 🧐
The fact that Flynn and the Federalist are going after Wray is the only good news here. Because Chris Wray was appointed by Donald Trump and 1/6 went off without a hitch under his nose. So I need to see some investigations and arrests of the people who really did this. Putting Orange Mussolini in a timeout is not enough.
Amazingly, the Federalist’s “source” was the office of Chuck Grassley who is effectively just Senator Q. Chuck has been “friends” with Barbara and Michael Ledeen, who wrote an islamophobic book with Mike Flynn, as well as Flynn’s little racist psyops sidekick Ezra Cohen-Watnick, for many years. Chuck will do and say anything he’s told.
This bitching about Flynn, Mueller and “Russiagate” has been in overdrive on Telegram etc. but it’s very notable that the Federalist is going all in on to protect Flynn right now about his theft of the 2016 election — while we all wait for the January 6th Committee to come back.
Flynn’s sweaty little hands are all over this trash, trying desperately to rehabilitate himself despite the vast evidence of his conspiracy to overthrow the government. At the end of the day, Flynn is just buying as much time as he can so he can try to dismantle the FBI before they arrest him.
Flynn is 1-1 in stealing elections. If we don’t take him off the street before November his final record will be 2-1 — because he won’t need elections after that.
That would be Chuck Grassley who was apparently too senile to keep his mouth shut about their expectation that they'd be able to scare off Pence and have grandpa Q nullify the election for them. Heck, Flynn (hypothetically) could have sent Darrell & Darrell to Grassley's office claiming to be FBI whistleblowers and that numbskull would have been none the wiser.
What a sweet surprise, Jim. Made me tear up just a bit. I thank you.