This has been happening with increasing frequency in Florida neighborhoods and around the country. It has generated a huge amount of horror and outrage, as it should — because this is exactly what happens in all fascist takeovers. Scapegoats are labeled and hate is turned against them. Every time.
But what these flyers lead to is far worse. Imagine getting hundreds of these flyers every day. This video is me simply searching the word “Jew” on Telegram just now.
There is a massive tide of antisemitism and racism that cannot be understood by just noticing what gets thrown in your mailboxes. At the end of the video is a post that leads to “” which is also on the posters in Florida.

Here’s what it leads to — a warehouse of hatred, racism, genocidal antisemitism, holocaust denial and Hitler worship.
Nazism is the one thing we were all supposed to be against. But that’s not true at all.
A large minority of the country and the world really thinks this is what they want again. They have been convinced by cult leaders and dictators that the wrong side lost WWII and that Hitler was right all along. And they think Putin is their way back to a pre-1950s White Wonderland.
This is not a theoretical thing. It’s right in the open. Telegram boasts 70 million users in the US alone and nearly all of them are being exposed to this kind of content every day,. It’s an emergency. #BanTelegram #ArrestMikeFlynn
The GOP has certainly tuned this into a s**thole country. Thanks Christians.
Maybe it’s time for Biden to take a page out of the Republican playbook. Sign an Executive Order invoking the Insurrection Act! This would give him the power to turn this into an issue of national defense where men like Flynn and other plotters can be held as enemy combatants until the national emergency is over. In addition, a Declaration of Martial law allows the Federal government to coordinate police functions with state and local governments, and override seditious departments when necessary. Biden would have to sell it as an imminent right-wing terror threat to the midterm elections and then haul their asses in while waiving the intelligence and evidence in front of the cameras. By treating them as enemy combatants, it becomes a military issue and not a DOJ issue. That’s my two cents.