Mike Flynn pushes crypto-fascist cult member Tulsi Gabbard, who is one of the most obvious and pernicious Russian assets in the country despite her long LARP as a Democrat. She is nothing of the sort.
Here’s the tweet the story links to.
.@TulsiGabbard: "This just shows how far [Democrats] are willing to go. Pushing our country to the brink of civil war, demonizing, targeting our fellow Americans as worse than Al-Qaeda terrorists, all to hold onto their power."
Let’s review the chain of custody of this propaganda:
Russian asset Tulsi Gabbard goes on Russian propaganda monstrosity Fox “News” to spread anti-government propaganda. Putin’s General Mike Flynn then uses Russian-owned psyop indoctrination system Telegram to spread a tweet by Russian asset Andy Ngo through his Russian propaganda operation “The Post Millennial.”
#ArrestMikeFlynn #Tulski
My friend in Hawai'i, Sherry Alu Campagna, ran against Tulsi Garbage in 2018. We have stories to tell.
Move over Occam's Razor it's Putin’s Razor slicing up The West with trillions in cuts.