Mike Flynn is a psychological operations specialist who is using his military experience to wage war on his own country. Mike Flynn created QAnon.
In conversation with Epoch Times, one of the largest and most harmful propaganda operations in the world, Mike Flynn discusses psychological operations and “5th generation warfare.”
“Smart generals over time have always used distraction, deception, untruths, and mixed with some truth.”
— Lt. Gen. (Ret) Michael T. Flynn
Flynn is using classic projection tactics to speak to his QAnon+ cult. This clip is being shared all over Telegram by QAnon accounts like “AGENT A1”:
Here is the same account spreading Pizzagate propaganda. Pizzagate was also created by Mike Flynn through his MAGA3X psyop.
Mike Flynn is mirroring tactics from “4th Generation Warfare” which was invented by “paleoconservative” William Lind:
Lind’s idea is to destroy the government of the United States by inciting internal conflict that will pit Americans in deadly conflict with one another.
One of the tactics he fantasizes about in his book “Victoria: A Novel of 4th Generation War” is ethnic cleansing of cities by christo-fascists.
Donald Trump called for ethnic cleansing of cities in his presidential campaign announcement two days ago:
Here’s another clip of Mike Flynn describing “5th Generation War”
QAnon propagandist Jordan Sather tried to explain it.
And another clip where Flynn thanks Elon Musk in conjunction with “5th Generation War”
Feel free to download and share.
Flynn Rallies Digital Soldiers for “5th Generation Warfare”