
Flynn Shares Aquino’s MindWar with Propagandists 🚨

Toldya: Flynn using Satanic pedophile’s plan to “take down a whole nation, psychologically”

Among the most horrific human beings that ever walked the earth is Michael Aquino, who ritually abused more than a hundred children in the 1980s at the Presidio in San Francisco. Aquino was a Satanist who was kicked out of the Church of Satan in 1975 and started the occult “Temple of Set” which combined theosophy and Nazi components into Satanism.

Note the eyebrows which he copied from Church of Satan founder Anton Lavey to make himself look more like the Devil.

Aquino was a major figure in Army PSYOP and wrote a document in 1980 with Paul Vallely called “From PSYOP to MindWar” which described a set of psychological tactics that would enable the military to take over countries without using kinetic force.

After being booted from the military in the 90s, Aquino spent decades collaborating with people to create the most dangerous movements in the world. His ideas helped lead to Atomwaffen and many other neo-Nazi occult terrorist groups.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
You Are Experiencing MindWar
Michael Aquino was a Satanic pedophile that performed ritual abuse on children for years while stationed at the Presidio and then created the Satanic Panic to cover it up. He started Temple of Set, which he broke off from the Church of Satan, which Aquino was involved in from the start. Here’s Aquino (and his Satanic eyebrows) with Sean Stone, son of Pu…
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Last night, Kremlin propagandist MelK says the “left” is “brainwashing” people and mentions that Mike Flynn has brought up “Aquino’s MindWars.”

“They were getting so good at mind control, manipulation, behavior modification… that they wouldn’t need weapons, they would be able to take over a whole nation, psychologically.”

MelK neglects to mention that Mike Flynn spent decades in Army PSYOP at Ft. Bragg with Aquino and his “MindWar” co-author Paul Vallely, who is one of Flynn’s most prolific propagandists to this day. Here he is with Kremlin / Flynn propagandist Ann Vandersteel a few months ago.

This is the battlefield. We have numerous ex-military personnel literally using their psychological warfare training to destroy America from the inside out.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
We Have to Talk About “Psyops”
I started this chart over a year ago and have been adjusting it on and off ever since. Today I added “Twitter” to the chart. Each of these psychological operations was either intentionally created or intentionally sabotaged by anti-American forces — largely Russian intelligence and their American assets, using military psychological warfare strategy and…
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This is why we need to organize and fight back. We need to understand what the enemy is doing and defend ourselves against it.


MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Building a Civilian Defense for Psyops
Thanks for your patience. I know I’ve been slower for the last week. As I mentioned I’ve been getting my ducks in a row and will be getting back to a more regular schedule. 🙏 TL;DR: I’m building a movement to defend our citizens from psychological operations, weaponized trolling, and malign influence campaigns. If you can afford it, please support my wo…
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