Flynn: “We are in an INFORMATION WAR.”
“Psy-ops are being launched in your left and in your right.”
Here is Mike Flynn approvingly quoting his “digital soldier” Brian Cates on Telegram. The demands are clear and dangerous.
This entire post is an overt recipe for cult indoctrination.
“Research for yourself.”
“Be your own authority.”
This is demanding that no outside information should be trusted. ONLY listen to the cult leaders and other members in the approved, insulated echo chamber. All other authority figures or sources of information are enemy combatants in a war.
“… so many people have detached from reality they literally ready to believe anything”
This is true but it’s a shocking admission that QAnon+ has deteriorated the minds of many of the people they brainwashed so badly that they are effectively programmable zombies that can’t be trusted to stay on the team.
“Psy-ops are being launched on your left and your right.”
Again this is true but is the epitome of projection. What Flynn and Brian Cates are doing is the actual psyop of course.
As if to belabor the point that Flynn is the General of Putin’s fifth column, here’s his follow up post — stanning Vladimir Putin and trashing America through literal nazi Jack Posobiec.
I agree that it is disingenuous for anybody involved with Flynn/QAnon to be decrying disinfo ops. It seems they are having problems controlling the narrative and it's their own damned fault because once you've destroyed trust in the institutions that help provide a shared reality in a de facto multicultural society, people don't know who to trust and become paranoid. This, of course, is big part of the chaos agents' goal, but it's total hypocrisy to cry about the unintended consequences of "flooding the zone with shit."
“Psy-ops are being launched on your left and your right.”
Sounds like he should consult his Field of Fight Field Manual. Mike Flynn is not a doctor. Has no valid information to offer the field of Complex PTSD. Leaving out the flight as well as the freeze part can cause brain damage.
That quote is the formula for Complex PTSD inclusive of symptoms of Hypervigilance. Alice sending them through the rabbit holes of do your own research.
“Trafficking in Propaganda “