Flynn’s Blueprint for Insurgency
A 2012 paper lays out exactly how Mike Flynn would create American ISIS and take us to the brink of civil war
h/t OSINT Ninja Gal Suburban
Mike Flynn commissioned a set of research at the Defense Intelligence Agency right before he took over in 2012.
National Security Challenges: Insights from Social, Neurobiological, and Complexity Sciences
Here is the full PDF.
The document is a perfect blueprint for the psychological operations Flynn would go on to run against Americans several years later.
This White Volume assesses U.S. long term national security challenges, employing a global perspective that accounts for the changing political, economic, social, and psychological profiles of populations, and the rapid changes they experience in a globally connected information environment.
This is all military euphemism for how people are radicalized into overthrowing their governments. Importantly, the document is based on a 2011 speech given by Mike Flynn.
It addresses many of the key national security challenges identified by LTG Flynn in the Preface.
Flynn points out that most recent insurgencies were successful and declares that “irregular warfare is the template for future battlefields.”
Of course, this is the precise language that Mike Flynn used himself in describing how he stole the 2016 election for Putin puppet Donald Trump. Flynn said, right after the election:
“As a retired general… this was an insurgency folks… irregular warfare at its finest.”
Flynn’s 2012 “White Volume” is a series of papers describing how nation-states are destabilized through radicalization. The first section is a chilling set of papers concerning “fragile states,” how they can be better “monitored” to get “left of bang.”
But the third section, concerning “neurobiological, cognitive and social science insights on radicalization and mobilization to violence” made my blood run cold.
Flynn clearly studied this research, but not in the way it was intended. He didn’t see this as a way to prevent radicalization, or to prevent violence. He saw it as a weapon that he could turn on his own country. A few months after this paper was published 2012, Mike Flynn was elevated to head of the DIA.
As an example, “identity theory” has been weaponized as “identity politics” aka “Fourth Generation Warfare.”
The “mechanisms of moral disengagement” laid out here being used by Islamic extremists, are precisely how it has worked with the rise of the alt-right and QAnon. This is the playbook of the right wing, the playbook of fascists. Flynn didn’t use this information to prevent this in America, he used it to make sure it happened in America.
QAnon was always, from day one, designed to radicalize Americans to destabilize their own country. Mike Flynn used the resources of American military intelligence to get information that he would go on to use to wage war against his own country.
This is literally what Flynn brought to America. This was not a warning for him, it was an instruction manual.
In the two years Flynn stayed in the military after this paper was published, he allowed an incomprehensible amount of damage to American and global security.
But Flynn never left the military. He just switched to a different one.
We are in deep, deep do-do.