Mike Flynn sees destroying the midterms as an existential requirement for himself because he knows otherwise he’s going to prison — or, according to the Constitution, he may be executed for Treason.
Flynn shared this video along with his terroristic slogan “Local Action = National Impact” just now. They are trying to get THIRTY THOUSAND veterans to show up at the polls to intimidate voters and cause chaos and violence.
Here’s a lot more on “OneMoreMission.”
I'm not sure people are grasping the danger of this project Patrick Byrne & traitor Mike Flynn have launched.
Recruiting retired military & police for "one more mission" to "save the republic".
This is a recruitment strategy disguised as "election integrity".
I cannot overstate how dangerous this is. They will do everything in their power to cause terror to intimidate citizens from exercising their rights and create propaganda casting doubt on the results of the midterms.
This is a fucking emergency.
Flynn’s Plan to Bring 30,000 Brownshirts to the Midterms 🚨