You are not imagining this. History itself has gone haywire. But the reason is that the lens you are watching it through is entirely broken.
For two and a half centuries, America has had countless demagogues, fascist movements and authoritarian cults to deal with. We’ve had constitutional crises, near nuclear misses, two world wars, a civil war and 9/11.
And America has had many enemies, including the Confederacy which nearly split us in two geographically. But we have never had a third of the country being mind-controlled to undermine the structural integrity of our democracy while providing aid and comfort to our foreign adversaries.
It’s easy to dismiss Nick Fuentes as the pathetic racist incel he is, but he also leads a very large influential movement of neo-nazis that have successfully blended in with the most radioactive strains of the GOP death cult.
Fuentes is openly posting propaganda directly sourced from the Kremlin in order to cheer on Russia’s war crimes and annexation of Ukraine.
Here he takes in “America First Internship” applications that show “groypers” — racist “alt-right” symbology — gleefully smashing stuff, followed up by propaganda from the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Again, Nick Fuentes is not the point. He is just the guy who says the quiet part. But the quiet part is no longer quiet. The reason Fuentes is comfortable doing this so blatantly is that it’s not longer an “open secret” that the current American insurgency is a shared project with Vladimir Putin. It’s just open.
But most of America has no idea about this. They really don’t.
The American press, like most of the public, has been conditioned to dismiss any talk of Russian interference in domestic US affairs as a “conspiracy theory.” This massive blind spot was intentionally created through psychological operations that affected everyone, including journalists. “Russia, Russia, Russia.”
The reason history seems broken is that we’re watching it through a broken lens. Our perceptions and assumptions have been warped to ignore the Russian elephant in the room. This makes the behavior of the right-wing seem incomprehensibly cruel to everyone else. What they are doing just does not make sense to most of us.
Here’s the simple fix: Imagine that the GOP and the fascist insurgency being led by Mike Flynn have been brainwashed to believe that America is bad and Putin is good.
That’s it. That’s the trick.
But even the liberal press almost entirely ignores this. They ignore the obvious, ongoing and increasingly glaring pro-Putin propaganda in favor of silly clickbait stories like Trump and his “new embrace” of QAnon — despite the fact that there is nothing new about it.
The insurgency in the US was intentionally created by Mike Flynn and his American co-conspirators in collaboration with Vladimir Putin in the project to destroy the idea of liberal democracy as a viable system of governance.
Why? Because Vladimir Putin is a totalitarian dictator who believes it is his destiny to control all of Europe and Asia and the main thing standing in his way is American democracy.
Mike Flynn began his work for Putin a decade ago. His record of treason since then is ongoing and unbroken.
Despite all of this, most Americans still see what’s happening around them through the lens of an old America — one that was united as Americans, even if we disagreed.
We are no longer united. A large part of America no longer wants America, and the rest of us keep treating them as if we’re still arguing about politics.
That is a lie. This is not politics, it is war. Until we wipe the rose color off our glasses and start looking at what we are really dealing with, we will continue to see history as going haywire, a chaotic mess that will fix itself if we just keep shaking our fists at it.
Putin is not just going to war with Ukraine. He is at war with you, dear reader. He wants you to believe America is permanently broken. He wants you to throw your hands up because nothing makes sense anymore.
Well, it makes perfect sense if you see it through an unbroken lens.
Donald Trump is the old avatar, the martyred figurehead of Flynn and Putin’s cult. He needs to be held accountable for his Treason. But he is not the disease, he is the symptom. The disease is Mike Flynn and Vladimir Putin.
I've been seeing all this through a Putin Prism since I started arguing with Russian trolls and bots in the Yahoo comment sections Summer of 2016 when Manafort became Trumpchurian's campaign manager.
I have been in contact these past 2 weeks with many different Americans within the various: socio-economic classes, race/ethnicities, gender fluid identities, politically aligned left, right, and in-between, Religions/Spiritual/"whatever", ETC... In other words many Diverse Americans. DIVERSE being the main word here.
Americans from: Ecuador, Somalia, Egypt, Holland. Every single one is happy to live in America. Those born in the U.S. are either ignoring the threat of civil war, sick of trump -
but not paying attention to : flynn, elon, theil, prince, koch's, mercers , bannon
OR totally 100% conned into Flynn's bullshit.
Where is Roger Stone?
I can't wait for Barrack's trial.