Hey Bloomberg, You Forgot About the Whole Nazi Thing
JFC, I just can’t anymore. Bored Ape Yacht Club is a multi-billion dollar neo-nazi troll
Big, big scoop about how the SEC is opening an investigation into “Yuga Labs, the group behind Bored Ape NFTs and ApeCoin.” 😑
The trouble is that Bored Ape Yacht Club is not only potentially guilty of securities violations, it’s also a giant Nazi dogwhistle straight out of the bowels of 4chan. I wrote about it because it mimics a lot of the ARG techniques I helped pioneer 20 years ago but adds a shitload of fascist symbology and ideas.
This documentary is incredible. A deep dive into the numerous and obvious ties to neo-nazism and chan culture.
“Yuga” refers to the “Kali Yuga” which is an apocalyptic event in Hinduism that is frequently used in white nationalist ideology. Nothing about that here though.
BAYC is not just a multi-billion dollar grift selling worthless GIFs to people for hundreds of thousands of dollars each, it’s selling racist worthless GIFS to people for hundreds of thousands of dollars each and then getting them to advertise it as a status symbol.
From a purely technical perspective, this is one of the most successful trolls in history. Billions of dollars from gullible dipshits racing to the bottom of the crypto-blockchain-web3 cult and spreading white nationalist symbolism and racist imagery in the process.
Informative linked post of yours Jim: 4chan + Crypto + ARG = My Nightmare
simianization: the disparaging comparison or likening of a member of a racial or ethnic minority group to an ape or monkey
Strange way to market a "currency". Obvious motivation though.
Crypto-anarchists. In this case, basically the manipulation of a non-tangible product that is hyper-marketed with a perceived value. #TheGriftOfPerception
I saw that documentary this past summer. Something always seemed off to me with BAYC, (beyond the fact NFTs are a Ponzi scheme), and that confirmed it. I was dismayed when I saw Snoop promoting it on Insta this summer. Yes, WTF Bloomberg?