OK, Flynn went there. Fine, let’s do this.

Flynn defends “Christian nationalism” as an ideology because the opposite is “atheist globalism” which he assumes is bad because “globalist” means “Jew” and atheists are evil by definition.
Flynn also says “atheism is not in the Constitution.” 😑
No, Mike, it isn’t. Neither is Buddhism, Jesus, or chocolate chip cookies.
This is a trivial verbal trick that Flynn’s followers will never question because they have been trained to only listen one way — as a believer. They have been taught from a young age that “faith” is a virtue. Flynn takes the opening provided by religion and uses psyops to turn it into a chasm that separates his victims from reality — so he can control them.
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.
— Voltaire
I am an atheist for a simple reason. I was raised by a single mother who didn’t believe in God. She wasn’t so much an atheist as someone who didn’t give a shit about how we got here. She was more interested in what we should do right now.
She didn’t tell me not to believe in God. She told me she didn’t herself but that lots of smart people did and it was OK for me to explore it.
My natural interest as a kid was astronomy. I liked explanations for things and space was really mysterious and cool. But when I asked my friends about God, Jesus and religion in general, I got answers that sounded more like D&D than history or science.
“There was this Great Guy who got gruesomely murdered 2,000 years ago, and then his Dad who is an invisible, omnipotent deity resurrected him, but there’s also a Really Bad Creature who lives underground who will torture you for eternity if you don’t worship the Great Guy who came back from the dead and follow his rules from this Big Book right here… Trust me.”
— What I heard as a kid
Honestly, it all just sounded really weird and fucked up. So I never got into it. I wasn’t aggressive about it, but if a religious friend wanted to defend their religion I was happy to engage them. But no matter what logic or reason, facts or figures I presented they would recognize my argument, shrug, and say they had “faith.”
“Faith” is presented by religion and society at large as a virtue. I disagree. “Faith” is believing in something without evidence. If you want to consider that a good thing, you are free to. However, to me, it just sounds like someone intentionally bullshitting themselves so they don’t have to deal with reality.
Atheism is not a religion, or even a belief. It is simply the absence of a belief in a supernatural god or gods. That’s it. But Flynn wants to paint atheism as extremism, while he marches us towards theocratic fascism and genocide.
To be clear, Mike Flynn is saying that I, a half-Jewish, globalist atheist, am not really American.
Well, Mike. I am more American than you have ever been. I am standing here defending the freedom of religion and freedom from religion our Constitution was designed to ensure, while you plan the overthrow of the country you swore to protect.
I don’t believe in god, but I do believe in America. And I know a traitor when I see one.
It's amazing the assumptions that are made about atheists, that we are all leftists is one. Well Ayn Rand was an atheist and a right-wing libertarian. I'm sure that there are atheist who are nationalists, too. I'm sure there are even some atheist MAGAs, though they probably keep it to themselves. Another assumption is that we are all moral relativists and/or nihilists, which is also just nonsense. I am neither one of those.
Freedom FROM God. Thank you.
In this country it’s ok to not believe in God. That really needs to be said more. Religion should be a personal thing is how I’ve always felt.