HEY GOOGLE: Here’s What You Just Approved Of 🚨🚨
Trump is scapegoating Jews for neo-Nazi christofascists on Truth Social
This is not a dogwhistle or a wink and a nod, it’s a call for holy war against Jews both here and in Israel.
“U.S. Jews have to get their act together and appreciate what they have in Israel — Before it is too late!”
Trump has been embracing theocratic fascists from the beginning despite having no idea what any of it means in terms of religion. Trump just knows that his christofascist allies want to control Israel and especially Jerusalem.
Truth Social is pure anti-American psychological warfare. That is its entire purpose. AND it is overtly racist, antisemitic and misogynist in the process. But despite this, Google decided to make it available on their store right before the election.
Trump’s “warning” for Jews to make sure they toe the line or else is straight out of 1930s Germany. THIS IS THE FOURTH REICH. 🚨
Google needs to hear about this. Now.
Evangelical are enthused with Israel because they idiotically believe that the creation of the state of Israel is some kind of sign that Jeezus is coming back. They think that's gonna be peachy for them. Of course, they also believe the Jews are gonna get it bad for not embracing their messiah. Never mind Jesus did not fulfill any of the messianic prophecies and said he...or somebody... the Son of Man was coming in the clouds with power before the end of that generation 2000+ freaking years ago!