Hey Yoel Roth
Are you listening to disinformation agents? Is that why you suspended me?
Yoel Roth runs Twitter Safety.
He is a fan of this “study” by Erin Gallagher, which is actually disinformation designed to make you think the Russians have nothing to do with infiltration on the left and that anyone who says so is a conspiracy theorist.

The tactic this article uses is picking up a story about someone who falsely claimed there were Russians running certain Antifa accounts and making that error seem like whole problem by adding a shitload of footnotes.
You see, according to Erin Gallagher, a bunch of stupid liberals got all excited about Russians but it was really just a bunch of 4chan trolls. Of course, that’s what the rest of #RealBlueAnon wants you to think “Q” was — “organic.” It’s intentional disinformation designed to dissuade anyone from looking at the deep infiltration of the Russians into the left.
The conclusions in the study are manifestly ludicrous and it’s amazing someone in Yoel Roth’s position would fall for it.
Russians don’t run fake Antifa accounts, at least not since the Internet Research Agency stopped doing it in 2017. Americans run them now.
But most of them are indirectly working for the Russians through handlers — as Erin Gallagher fully knows because Erin Gallagher is friends with lots of fake Antifa accounts and promotes them all the time.
Now you may be shocked to learn that she is trying to have me suspended from Substack because I said I was interested in information about her colleague “Conspirador Norteno” who specializes in getting people like me suspended and showed up to attack me right before I was permanently banned.
Isn’t it interesting how everyone who attacks me covers for the Russians? Moreover, Erin Gallagher has a LOT of her own history to talk about. She runs with some of the most dangerous trolls on the internet, all of whom are working for the wrong team.
So, Yoel Roth, if you are listening to these people, you are getting played.
Give me my account back. I broke no rules. This person is lying. Figure it out.
Am reading substack of Igor Sushko. High quality human and friends.
I thankful for your work.