Here is Ted Cruz, prominent Senator from Texas, showing up on televisions in Ohio to endorse… Josh Mandel. 😑
Guess who else endorses Josh Mandel? And is going on tour with him? Putin’s General Mike Flynn.
This is after Josh Mandel was supportive of Mike Flynn’s comments about moving the United States towards “one religion.”
Josh Mandel is extremely open about the fact that he agrees with Mike Flynn that there should be one religion that is forced upon the citizens of the United States.
This is precisely false. It’s called the Establishment Clause.
We need to start getting crystal clear about this. Mike Flynn is the General of a fifth column to support Vladimir Putin, transnational crime-lords, and anarcho-capitalist billionaires. So, if you are aligned with Mike Flynn, Ted Cruz, you are aligned with a genocidal dictator. And, like Flynn, you are a threat — both “foreign and domestic.”
& lol, Trump endorsed JD Vance #letthemfight lol
I just threw up in my mouth a little.