How is the American Fifth Column Reacting to War Crimes in Bucha?
Within 12 hours, Telegram channels are blaming Putin’s atrocities on the Ukrainians
I knew what I would find before I got there.
I have 500 Telegram channels — only 500 because that’s the limit of the app. I could have ten times that many. All of the channels are propaganda, including the entire spectrum of white nationalism, QAnon and other extremist channels.
So, for me, searching a topic on my channels is a pretty solid indicator of where the Cult (QAnon and derivatives) is going. I searched “Bucha” and got a pretty uniform result. Both QAnon and neo-nazis are blaming raped and murdered Ukrainian women and children on the Ukrainians themselves.
In the screenshot above you can see a lot of channels referring to the stories below.
Note the use of the word “KHAZARIAN” which is an anti-semitic euphemism for “Jew” based on a bizarre conspiracy popular in QAnon about the “Khazarian Mafia.”
How can anyone look at this and believe these messages are not being driven by Vladimir Putin? Why are Apple and Google still making this blatant psychological warfare weapon of the genocidal Russian government freely available to harm citizens of the United States?
UPDATE: Here is Mike Flynn’s old partner in Pizzagate, Mike Cernovich, on Twitter.
I’m “Team 🇺🇦” btw.
Of course they are. It's all projection all the time.
Social media only cares about hits not truth.