How Mainstream Media Cooperates with White Nationalists by Platforming Liars Like Mike Rothschild and Fred Brennan [UPDATED]
The “civil war” panic is precisely what they want. CNN and MSNBC, wyd?
UPDATE: Mike Flynn’s brother has jumped in to defend his friends Doug Stewart, Mike Rothschild and Fred Brennan:
For two years, as an independent American citizen exercising my rights, and frankly my duty, I have been doing everything in my power to understand and expose the psychological war being waged on American citizens.
I built a large Twitter account, helped prevent the left from showing up at the Capitol on 1/6, created a volunteer group to help friends and family of QAnon victims, broke dozens of stories, and had good relationships with lots of press. I also made this documentary with generous award-winning professionals.
Since then, I have experienced a full-spectrum assault from a large group of harmful operatives, including hundreds of anonymous Twitter trolls who have used every tool short of physical violence to attempt to destroy me personally and prevent me from continuing my work. This was not unexpected. The information I provide is dangerous to dangerous people. So be it.
However, when the people who are orchestrating this assault are being platformed by mainstream media, we have a completely different story.
CNN wyd?
Mike Rothschild lies for a living — literally. For four years, Rothschild has built a “career” on intentionally obfuscating the origins of QAnon in order to protect his own self-proclaimed status as “Q expert” as well as protecting the people who actually created QAnon. His book about QAnon is third-rate disinformation that intentionally answers nothing at all and was favorably reviewed by Russia Today.
Rothschild is allied with Douglas Matthew Stewart, a white nationalist chaos agent aligned with Erik Prince and Steve Bannon, who was one of the people who started QAnon, along with “Microchip” aka Justin McConney, MAGA3X leader James Brower, and Manuel Chavez III aka Defango.
Here’s Doug Stewart promoting Rothschild and his fellow liar Will Sommer on a 2019 “MAGA Coalition” broadcast at 3:26:00. The rest of the video describes Stewart’s association with the worst people on earth including neo-nazi trolls “Spicci,” “Microchip,” and Mike Flynn’s psyop MAGA3X. His hat in the video thumbnail says “RUSSIA GREAT.”
Rothschild’s partner in the project to defend QAnon, Mike Flynn and Russia from any real investigation is the person who created the website that “Q” ran on, 8chan, and ran the misogynistic GamerGate cult that metastasized in both the alt-right and the alt-left.
Fredrick Brennan is a nazi-sympathizing anarchist troll who has done everything in his power to create chaos for more than a decade. He told me in DMs that he that “the wrong side won the cold war.” Anyone lionizing this person has been gaslit, including Ben Collins and HBO.
Rothschild and Brennan’s project is to hide the facts from the public and protect their handlers. Rothschild’s been doing it since he set up his blog the week before Q started in order to promote QAnon to the “left” while establishing his credentials as “expert.”
He posted his first article on October 27th, 2017 about the “Uranium Scandal.” “Q” started on the 28th and mentioned the “Uranium Scandal” on the 29th. Pretty good timing.
Rothschild and Brennan were also responsible for this preposterous story in the New York Times that fooled the editors into spreading a cockamamie theory about “Q”supported by a “stylometrics” analysis that was flawed in every possible way.
In this tweet, Rothschild ties himself to Ben Collins, who has done lots of good work, but is now running around screaming “CIVIL WAR” on MSNBC and promoting Fredrick Brennan, and David Gilbert who is a corrupt operative who has made his way to the top of Vice News.
I don’t “blame” anyone for violence except the perpetrators. But the breathless coverage of the “civil war” rhetoric was exactly what the bad guys wanted.
David Gilbert wrote the hit piece that destroyed my volunteer group “The Thinkin Project” using defamatory quotes provided by Mike Rothschild and anonymous chaos agents who had infiltrated our Discord server. This was after an hour-long, largely pleasant conversation with Gilbert several weeks before where I told him what we were actually doing which he subsequently lied about in the headline of his defamatory article which is used by my trolls to smear me every day.
Two of the most horrific trolls who helped execute this infiltration and trauma that Gilbert exploited were Susan Portnoy aka KassandraSeven and “Robin of A” who was banned twice for harassing me and is now being paid to do it again. Those are the people that Rothschild is talking to. Those are the people that Rothschild is validating and connecting Ben Collins and David Gilbert to.
Here’s professional European trauma troll “Robin of A” cooperating with Rothschild to smear me while doing ban evasion. They’re gloating because a guy attacked the FBI with a nail gun. I had agreed with Lawrence O‘Donnell that the “civil war” narrative was being overdone — and still do.
They are celebrating the violence because it’s what they wanted.
The reason Rothschild is worried about a “meltdown” is that he knows I have recorded thousands of his lies. He has been intentionally, aggressively wrong about QAnon, and gone to extraordinary lengths to smear me and undermine my work. He also lied to Congress.
As just one example, when I warned the left not to go to DC because it would help Trump invoke the insurrection act, Rothschild ran around to the same people, called it “fear porn” and said that the biggest risk on 1/6 was actually COVID.
Why would anyone do this? Think about it for five seconds. Rothschild wanted people to go.
The reason Mike Rothschild is listed as the second defendant in my lawsuit after Twitter Inc. is that Rothschild has been actively participating in coordinated harassment, tortious interference and defamation for two full years now. This has not not only been at a deep cost to me personally, but to the health of the mainstream media as well.
My legal case is underway and will take some time — it’s a complex case. But in the meantime, I’m not going to sit idly by while liars intentionally hide the truth and attack the people who expose it.
So, CNN. Have this dangerous disinformation troll on your network if you want, but you are only exposing yourself to ridicule. Rothschild has been completely wrong about everything. I promise that is not going to change. It’s his job.
I am not going to, but this type of harassment plus the defrauding of my account, plus much of the other I have witness and experienced, does make me want to kill myself. Of course the people participating in these networks should be indicted for murder. And I look forward to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force doing just that.
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