How the Kremlin is Converting American Leftists into Fascist Digital Soldiers
The horseshoe is real
Horseshoe Theory
The “red-brown alliance” is a tactic first deployed in Russia in opposition to the “liberal, pro-capitalist Russian government in the 1990s.” It describes an alliance between the far-left and far-right.
“Such an alliance was first suggested by Aleksandr Dugin, founder of the National Bolshevik Party.”
As I have written, Dugin is a genocidal Nazi who informs Vladimir Putin’s imperial “Eurasianist” strategy which requires Russia to take over Ukraine in order to launch an attack on all of Europe and Asia to bring it under Russian dominance. He is also one of the architects of Mike Flynn’s operation to overthrow the US government.
“Horseshoe theory” is another term for the phenomenon of far-right and far-left aligning together. The metaphor was first used in describing a group that helped tear down the Weimar Republic in order to bring Hitler to power.
Kremlin Trifecta
Last night, Kremlin propagandist Jackson Hinkle was cheering neo-nazi Kremlin propagandist Tucker Carlson as Tucker freaked out over Ukrainian President and global hero Vladimir Zelenskyy’s requests for assistance from the US and NATO.
This livestream was pinned to the front page of Peter Thiel’s Russian propaganda video site Rumble.
CW: This is so dishonest and so full of hate I found it difficult to watch — which is saying something.
Jackson Hinkle
Jackson Hinkle came from the Bernie Bro left but has converted over time to being a full-fledged fascist. Hinkle is a museum-quality example of how a “leftist” was influenced and co-opted into becoming a Kremlin mouthpiece who promotes Nazi ideology. Research below by OSINT Ninja Gal Suburban.
Rumble is Peter Thiel’s anti-American answer to YouTube. Rumble is nearly 100% neo-nazi, QAnon or Kremlin propaganda. It’s not hidden.
According to their claims, they have 70 million unique visitors in the United States per month. Now it is a NASDAQ-listed public company.
Tucker is GamerGating Zelenskyy
Tucker employs classic GamerGate cult leader techniques in setting up Ukraine and Zelenskyy as objects of hate and scapegoating. It’s no different from how the right-wing treats Hillary Clinton, which is not a coincidence.
Russian influence in the 2016 election came from both the left and the right. Wikileaks, which positioned itself as a left-wing, free speech whistleblowing platform, was actually just a way for Russian and American fascists to distribute helpful disinformation and hacked material. In 2016, Wikileaks was used by pro-Russia neo-nazis on the right and the left to spread Pizzagate propaganda — which painted a caricature of Hillary Clinton as a Satanic pedophile — and brainwashed millions before and after the election.
Cenk, Chapo and QAA
In his rant, Tucker Carlson rages against the “radical left” and name-checks two “leftist” entities, Chapo Trap House and Cenk Uygur. This is not to direct hate at them, it’s to promote them.
Cenk Uygur and the Young Turks both-sides Russian interference all the time, platforming leftist Russian propagandists like Matt Taibbi and Greyzone and attacking Democrats and “liberals.”
Chapo Trap House, on the other hand, is a horrific trolling and disinformation operation that was banned from Reddit in 2020 along with r/TheDonald because it was launching destructive attacks on people, including swatting and doxing.
Chapo is virulently pro-Russia, anti-liberal and anti-Clinton which are qualities it shares with the far-right. Chapo was formed in Spring 2016 and was born out of GamerGate.
This is the Kremlin red-brown alliance in action. The horseshoe is real.
Note that “QAnonAnonymous,” which was a direct outgrowth of Chapo Trap House, has been grifting off of QAnon since a few months after QAnon started.
They lightly mock QAnon while they build conferences around it and rake in millions of dollars a year exploiting and promoting it on their podcast. When I reached out to the co-host “Travis View” aka Logan Strain over two years ago, this was the reaction I got.
Subsequently, he and his allies have coordinated constant suicide trolling of me personally and done everything possible to silence my own podcast and torment my co-hosts.
On Jackson Hinkle’s Rumble page there is a link to his Discord server with 900 “Hinklings.” Here is a typical screenshot.
This is no different from 8chan or other neo-nazi forums. It employs antisemitic 8chan imagery to paint Ukraine as a Nazi state.
But this once-“leftist” Discord, like many others I have been looking into, is not just pro-Putin, it is chock full of actual foreign agents spreading propaganda directly from Russia, freely interacting in a closed echo chamber with Americans.
The ecosystem of far-left “tankie” Discord servers is arguably worse than the far-right. These are insulated chambers full of fascist hate and lies barely concealed as coming from a far-left “anti-imperial” perspective. Here’s a screenshot from pro-Putin “leftist” Jimmy Dore’s server.
“I wonder if we can find instances of Azov being anti-gay and anti-trans to mess with the liberal apologists?”
Active Measures
America’s Constitutional protections for free speech have been weaponized against us by an enemy nation-state who is currently committing atrocities in Ukraine in the project to dominate half the world.
These active measures have been going on for decades, but since 2014, when GamerGate was launched by Fredrick Brennan, Milo Yiannopolous, Steve Bannon, Mike Cernovich and other pro-Putin neo-nazis, we have all been under direct assault by Russia-backed psychological operations designed to tear America apart from the inside out.
While we have been focused almost exclusively on the right wing part of these operations, the operations on the “left” may end up being the death blow of American democracy.
Tucker is what happens when all the voices of a troll factory 🏭🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌 merge into one. The rat king of trolls (ok, internet terrorists).
If it's red brown, flush it down! Please steal this line if so inclined. I think it would sound great coming from HighFi.
Fucking Jimmy Dore is the guy who mindfucked my brother. The problem is there are grains of truth in their attacks on the US establishment, MIC, Wall Street, etc., but to go over to Putin and in-effect Trump/MAGA because of it is FUBAR!
I'd like to know exactly where a the $ came from for Dore's $2 million ...or whatever it was...mansion.