🚨 How the NAR is Creating American ISIS Through Flynn’s “5th Generation War”
“American Patriots Forum” is prepping for mass violence. It is only one cell of many.
h/t OSINT Ninja
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a para-religious movement that anoints “prophets” who do Nostradamus-like predictions that supposedly come from “God.” It is fundamentally fraudulent, increasingly weaponized and extremely dangerous.
Mike Flynn uses these “prophets” extensively in his propaganda and on his QAnon psyops tours, for example NAR “prophet” Julie Green.
My partner @Gal found this website which can be seen as cancerous tumor in the body politic.I don’t use this metaphor lightly.
This is a perfect example of what we have to grapple with and haven’t.
I don’t know how many people are members of this “community” but it’s many hundreds if not thousands. It’s quite active.
Trevor Winchell who runs the site with “Lolou Rose” has anointed himself with the power to speak for God but what he’s really doing is saying “Trust the Plan.”
Lolou Rose is very open about it. They are quite literally replacing “God” with “Q.”
Trevor Winchell is also very explicit about where his beliefs really come from, despite the fact that he is pretending to be a “messenger of God.” Trevor Winchell is a QAnon propagandist who is preparing his personal cult for violence and sedition.
To grow his cult he is intentionally “redpilling” people — which is a euphemism for entrapping them into a cult by exposing them to traumatic propaganda like the child exploitation psyop about “FRAZZLEDRIP” — which should be illegal.
This is the kind of digital terrorism that traumatizes, dissociates and brainwashes people.
Trevor Winchell is explictly and aggressively using Christian identity to attract and “redpill” people into a genocidal paramilitary death cult that follows “Q” more than “God.”
Importantly, Trevor and Lolou are also part of the “American State National” movement which has been pushed relentlessly by Mike Flynn operative and former Q-drop writer Ann Vandersteel.
The fantasy behind this idea is that:
“It sets the stage for exchanging your position in life from that of a debtor-subject-slave, to that of a creditor-creator-sovereign. It frees you from being subject to statutory legislation, which is rightfully only supposed to be applicable to those involved in commerce and contracts, and public officials in the course of their duties.”
Whatever the hell that means. 🤷♂️
They also claim that you don’t have to comply with… laws.
“In general, all acts malum prohibitum (not inherently wrong but against legislation) will once again be at your free disposal, so long as you do not engage in acts that harm others (malum per se, something inherently wrong).”
This means that as a “state national” you can do whatever you want as long as it isn’t “inherently wrong.” You can also skip that whole background check thing when purchasing weapons for the next civil war.
This is organized national sedition — cells of people who believe they are “sovereign” and don’t have to abide by the Rule of Law — fueled by a syncretic, poisonous stew of homegrown christofascist fan-fiction and QAnon propaganda.
What could go wrong?
This is a terrifying embodiment of the ideas of “paleoconservative” William Lind who fantasized about cells of white nationalist Christian identity terrorists causing mass violence in the United States in order to destabilize and overthrow it.
Lind called this “4th Generation Warfare which Mike Flynn has simply plagiarized for himself and calls it “5th Generation Warfare.”
Yesterday Trevor Winchell posted this to his page on “American Patriots Forum.”
An Introduction to Fifth Generation Warfare
Flynn is just giving out the manual now, which is another story itself. More to come on that.
It could not be clearer what is happening here, and our federal and state governments should not be powerless to stop it. This group is just one of countless others that are being radicalized in small, local cults that are preparing for some combination of the civil war and the End Times. This needs to be shut down.
Fascism does not stop on its own. It must be defeated.
Why aren't more investigations on the FALSE prophets being done? They aren't who they say they are po.green.con pi.greenuk is JG's husband she originally said she wanted to keep secret for their safety. I investigated & finally found him. During the time she then decided to publicly announce a husband name but it wasn't the legal name I found was accidentally her husband that owned these businesses. I did also find he had 2 names but this own appeared to be his legal name on county records. I did also find he used a a totally different first and last name alias. Plus went online by a Greek God named email address. They have gobals ties to BIG tech over some lightbox biz that doesn't make sense why all the industry giants would buy so much small things from a stupid business. I think it's her hubby's family running the UK/EU business over their. She's some kind of trained PSYOP agent or ELITE that's groomed or with higher up contacts. Not just another crazy evangelical quak but I wonder how many of the other quacks are as they seem too?
Why hasn't Wray been fired & can't anyone arrest Mike Flynn?
Something needs to be done! We got to stop this by all means possible.... If possible!!