“Ignore them” is no longer an option
I sincerely appreciate the advice about ignoring the “trolls,” but it is no longer possible
The operation to destroy my reputation and ability to make a living has done serious damage. They are currently going after my business partners and friends. There are dozens of accounts on multiple social media networks solely devoted to destroying me personally.
I am also being threatened by dangerous people — in public and private.
The goal is to make me as nuclear as possible so no one will trust me. This has done real, concrete harm. The damages are serious. This has affected my life and my ability to do my work informing the public about disinformation actors.
So, I’m going to take this network down because it is being run by incredibly dangerous disinformation actors. Its goal is to destroy truthtellers and spread lies about what happened with QAnon and 1/6.
These are not “trolls.” This is well funded operation and has very bad intentions.
For nearly a year, I have done two things: 1) almost entirely ignored this publicly, and 2) documented everything. This is a cut and dry case of criminal harassment, defamation and tortious interference by a network of people who conspired to do it in public. These are serious crimes. I don’t like criminals.
Well I trust you, HiFi, Sean & Heidi. None of you, no one, deserves these attacks. I'm so sorry this is happening.
Thank you for your work. They’re dangerous to us all. We need our information spaces filled with truth, not lies