
J6 Committee Opening Statement

They didn’t ask me. Here it is anyway — with receipts.

I was canceled from Twitter because they don’t want anyone to hear this.

Feel free to download and share.

Chairman Thompson, Vice Chair Cheney, Representatives:

I have spent two years investigating the origins of QAnon and its operators. It has not been an easy process to expose it, but what I’ve found is critical to understand.

The rising tide of hate, extremism and division we see in America today is not a natural phenomenon, or even a political one. The increasingly bizarre, destructive behavior and incomprehensible beliefs shared by tens of millions of our neighbors, family and friends leads the rest of us to wonder, why? And how?

The answer is that this systematic radicalization of American citizens is the intended result of a psychological warfare attack conducted by American traitors aligned with Putin.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
WWIII Started in 2015
Psychological warfare has two primary objectives: To diminish the enemy by causing chaos and changing popular sentiment through propaganda To prepare the battlefield for kinetic war Introduction “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you…
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This multi-pronged assault on the minds of American citizens is the same as a radiological, chemical or biological attack on our bodies. We are witnessing the intentional, artificial introduction of deadly material into critical systems that affect the lives of every American. The only difference is that this attack is digital, not physical. It is not a chemical agent being spread, it is coercive propaganda which has been engineered through social media to create undue influence also known as brainwashing.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Undue Influence — Jane’s Story
Listen now (51 min) | The subject that gave me the most emotional feedback on Twitter — positive and negative — was “undue influence” aka brainwashing and the extent to which we can and should see cult members as victims. I believe we should and we must. 30% of the country is affected. These are our loved ones — we cannot give up on them. However, as I have also said, if you…
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This psychological attack has directly led to the radicalization of tens of millions of Americans, including incubation of domestic terrorists like the 18 year-old white supremacist who murdered ten Black people in Buffalo.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
I Read the Manifesto
The 18-year old neo-nazi mass-murderer who slaughtered ten Black people in Buffalo was not stupid or MAGA. He was in college and was in every way an over-privileged kid with his whole life in front of him. In May 2020, stuck at home because of COVID, he went to 4chan and started looking at white supremacist memes. It took 24 months for his name to go on …
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But of most relevance to this Committee is the fact that the Big Lie that led to the insurrection was just a small part of a larger psychological warfare campaign being conducted by Retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn against American citizens.

Flynn ran special operations — including psyops — in Iraq and Afghanistan, alongside Blackwater and Flynn’s personal friend Erik Prince.

Flynn rose to be Head of the DIA and was the first American to visit GRU headquarters before Obama fired Flynn in 2014 after he failed to warn that Putin was invading Crimea.

In December 2015, Flynn sat next to Putin in Moscow at a Russia Today gala, along with Jill Stein.

From that point forward, Flynn has been waging war on his own country. Everything he has done since then has benefited Putin. Everything.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
🚨 Flynn Comes Out
Holy fuck. I am going to break this down more but I wanted to share this as soon as I got it. General Misha is not hiding anything. Here is “Q,” the worst traitor in American history, and the most serious national security threat on earth, openly and fawningly siding with Putin…
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In the Summer and Fall before the 2016 election, Flynn was responsible for weaponizing emails hacked by Russia and delivered through Russian cutouts Guccifer 2 and Wikileaks via Flynn’s ally Roger Stone.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Ever wonder why the Cult wants to #FreeAssange?
Julian Assange knows everything about everyone, including all 12 of these guys. They want him “free” because they do not, under any circumstances, want him talking…
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This included a psychological operation that came to be known as Pizzagate, which was a remix of Russian propaganda and GamerGate aimed at tearing down Hillary Clinton. This ultimately led to a man firing his gun in a pizza parlor because he thought Hillary was torturing children in the non-existent basement.

Flynn ran these operations out of a political action committee called MAGA3X that Flynn started with Peter Thiel and numerous white nationalist trolls and hackers. These people included indicted insurrectionist Timothy Gionet aka Baked Alaska, Trump’s “Twitter Whisperer” Justin McConney, Jack Posobiec, Mike Cernovich, Jeff Giesea, James Brower, and Mike Flynn Jr.

In a speech right after the 2016 election Flynn took credit for swinging the result to Trump through an “insurgency” and “irregular warfare at its finest.” Flynn named the people who participated in election interference “digital soldiers.” Flynn immediately trademarked the term.

It is important to note that a significant percentage of QAnon accounts identified themselves as digital soldiers. And a number of defendants in the January 6th attack identified themselves in their sworn testimony as “digital soldiers.” This is not a coincidence. This is psychological warfare.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
1/6 Defendant: “I consider myself a digital soldier”
I’m not sure how much clearer this can get. Please follow along. Here is a simple fact. Mike Flynn invented “digital soldiers” as the term for the people running psyops for him in 2016 — MAGA3X. This is the group he started with Peter Thiel and a variety of neo-nazis and extremists, which conducted Pizzagate and QAnon along with many other harmful psyop…
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Flynn was fired as Trump’s National Security Advisor for lying to the FBI about his communications with the Russians, and was forced into a cooperation agreement with the DOJ that rendered him mute. In response, Flynn directed MAGA3X to start a new operation to speak for Flynn that came to be known as “Q” or QAnon.

“Q” was Mike Flynn’s alter ego and for all intents and purposes, Mike Flynn was Q.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
“Q” was Mike Flynn’s Alter Ego
In the first three “Q drops,” the character known as “Q” establishes itself as the alter ego of Mike Flynn. Q was simply an extension of the same psychological warfare operation that Flynn began in 2016 and has continued through 1/6 and beyond. The critical point of this article is that Mike Flynn is not a “grifter” or someone who grabbed onto “Q” later …
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Flynn planned, operationalized and weaponized QAnon to radicalize millions and fill his defense fund, which is how he could afford to pay a QAnon believer, lawyer Sidney Powell, to get him out of his cooperation deal.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
QAnon 101
I wanted to write a short primer on QAnon. If you’ve been following my work you know most of this already, but I wanted to write it out in case it’s helpful. QAnon is complicated by design but the basic story is easy to understand. Here’s some background…
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Three years after it began, on election day 2020, “Q” retired and the entire QAnon cult switched to the Big Lie at Flynn’s direction. It was the QAnon network that pushed the Big Lie leading to the insurrection.

On December 18th, 2020, when a meeting in the White House with Flynn, Powell and others failed to convince Trump’s lawyers to go along with their plans to overturn the election, they secretly plotted physical violence with Trump.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
The Insurrection Was Plan B: Part II
This is a multi-part series on a secret plan to execute a bloodless coup against the U.S. Government — using the government itself. This work is based on the research of @gal_suburban and associates. Part I: The Insurrection Was Plan B Part III: CrUSAIDs…
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Hours later, Trump tweeted that there would be a “wild” protest on January 6th. Two days after that, the administrator of the QAnon website Ron Watkins, offered to pay people to go to DC on January 6th — on Twitter.

It was QAnon, with the help of white nationalists like the Proud Boys and Oathkeepers that sent people to the insurrection. The Big Lie was QAnon, just rebranded.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
How Mike Flynn Transformed QAnon into the Big Lie and Pointed it at the Capitol
Mike Flynn made a deal to work with Vladimir Putin to destroy American democracy in 2015. He set up MAGA3X and Pizzagate in order to swing the 2016 election, and then set up QAnon and tried to steal 2020. One of the tools he used was the LARP known as “Q…
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In summary, the man responsible for planning January 6th is Michael T. Flynn. He achieved it through psychological operations along with his co-conspirators at the Pentagon who intentionally prevented the defense of the Capitol. These include Chris Miller, Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Kash Patel, as well the then-Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy and his Chief of Operations at the time, Mike Flynn’s brother Charles.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
The Insurrection Was Plan B: Part IV
Immediately after losing the 2020 election, Donald Trump decapitated the civilian leadership structure at the Department of Defense and installed a group of corrupt, unqualified, anti-democratic operatives that would take the necessary steps to effectuate a coup before Joe Biden could be inaugurated…
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Charles Flynn hosted the January 6th video conference call that delayed the National Guard for hours. Then the Army lied about it. Now, unbelievably, Charles Flynn is Commanding General of the US Army Pacific with 90,000 American troops which would respond to the growing potential for conflict with China.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Seditionist Charles Flynn Must Go 🚨
h/t #BethAnon https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/chinese-activity-in-eastern-ladakh-eye-opening-behaviour-concerning-says-us-army-general/article65507763.ece Charles Flynn was promoted by Donald Trump to four-star general and Deputy Secretary of the Army the same day that his brother Mike Flynn — the worst traitor in American history — got illegally p…
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Mike Flynn continues to poison American minds at scale — deepening the national divide and intentionally pushing us towards civil war. I’m begging you to understand that this psychological attack is a weapon of mass destruction — it’s just coming from the inside out.

We are at war. We must recognize the enemy, understand it and defeat it. We must shut down the Russian propaganda outlets and radicalization platforms, including Telegram, Fox, Newsmax and OANN. It is impossible to help people back to reality when they are bathed in digital poison all day long.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
This is no longer just propaganda [UPDATED]
Watch now (48 sec) | Feel free to download and share…
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Please convene hearings and enact legislation to address this national security emergency. There is a vast industry devoted to converting our citizens into cult members, taking their money, and weaponizing them. We need legislation that criminalizes online harm in the same way we do for the physical world. Psychological harm is harm.

Finally, Donald Trump was not the source of the insurrection. He was the front man. The people who put Trump in the White House and then tried to steal the 2020 election to keep him there are still walking free.

Merrick Garland, Mike Flynn is committing prima facie Seditious Conspiracy. In public. Every day. Arrest Mike Flynn.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Mike Flynn’s Plan to Destroy the 2022 Elections
The Big Lie that the 2020 elections were stolen from Donald Trump led to the insurrection on 1/6. We earned a two-year window to save democracy with the Legislative and Executive branches still (barely) intact. As I have said repeatedly, we must take broad law enforcement action against the people poisoning American minds…
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Thank you.