The Church Committee was a Senate investigation into illegal CIA mind control programs, including MKULTRA and Operation Mockingbird 52 years ago.
The President was on this committee.
Here’s the speech timestamped to where he mentions the Church Committee.
I should note that “Q” and the QAnon+ cult at large are obsessed with accusing the “Deep State,” including the CIA, or the left — depending on the occasion — of executing “Mockingbird” and “MKULTRA” like programs on MAGA supporters. This is, of course, projection. Psychological operations supported by data mining vampireware like Cambridge Analytica and Palantir make those old programs look quaint and put Trump in the White House.
If anyone wants to see mind control in action, just consult your cousin Bob who spends 16 hours a day on Telegram and thinks you’re a pedo. Or your Foxaholic mom. We are in a psychological war resulting in large scale mind control. Call it what it is.
Joe needs to dust off his old notebook and figure out what’s happening in the country he’s responsible for. These are the same weapons he found out about half a century ago. They just got much, much better at their job.
This article fits well with Kinzer: Palantir Goes to the Frankfurt School
Wasn’t MKULTRA supposed to use hypnosis to ‘program’ someone? I don’t think it had much success, it wasn’t very effective.
The GOP/Q brainwashing methods are fairly simple, they just use extreme racism and farfetched lies.
As LBJ once said “ If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best black man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.”
(LBJ was commenting on coercion/subversion. I don’t think he was racist - he did pass the Civil Rights Bill)
For example many people say Sirhan Sirhan was MKULTRA’d, hypnotised like a Manchurian candidate. In reality his friends and family were using ‘Tucker Carlson’ style propaganda on him, and he was easily manipulated.