Joe Flynn Calls the J6 Committee “Soviet Bullshit”
Joe Flynn is in his brother’s cult. No seriously
Joe Flynn is patient zero for Mike Flynn’s psyop. From the time Joe was a boy, Mike has been working on poor Joe’s mind and has turned his little brother into his personal mafia fixer, cult member, and criminal puppet.
After engaging with Joe dozens of times on Twitter, and monitoring him for two years, I can tell you Joe totally believes that his brother, the worst traitor in American history, is destined to be Emperor of the One Religion.
To show how deeply Joe’s brain has been sucked into Misha Flynn’s Fantasy Fourth Reich, I happened to run into the following tweet the other day:
In the tweet, which was in response to Trump’s call about Ukraine that got him impeached, Joe Flynn says to legendary journalist Andrea Mitchell “we don’t like the lying press” and says “you won’t be invited.”
Here’s the German translation:
Of course, lugenpresse is what Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler called the press in Germany to intimidate them into silence.
Mike Flynn is taking his entire treasonous family down with him eventually, particularly poor Joe who has committed a plethora of crimes on behalf of his brother.
I just hope we figure out this entire family are enemy combatants before Charles Flynn makes his move with 90,000 troops in the Pacific.
Joe is blaming the other side for their own crimes. Classic gqp tactic. The 2016 election was operationalized w Ru disinfo, propoganda, hacking, theft, etc that was retrofitted specifically for tfg victory.
I should go read the post first 😆
Nut doesn't fall too far from the tree?