Joe Flynn Can't Help Himself - Thanks for Cheering Me Up, Traitor
Of all the dumb stuff Joe Flynn has done, this is up there.
Joseph J. Flynn is Mike Flynn’s little brother. Incredibly, so is the Commanding General of the US Army Pacific, Charles Flynn seen here with Mike, Joe, Sidney Powell, legendary fascist ratfucker Jack Singlaub and a bunch of other traitors.
It’s mind-blowing to me that Charles, much less Mike Flynn has not being stripped of his rank and court-martialed.
But in case anyone doesn’t believe the Flynns are coming after me and paying a shitload of suicide trolls to silence me, well...
Right after YouTube absurdly permanently banned me last night for “glorifying violence” and a day after posting my documentary that pointed the finger for QAnon directly at Mike Flynn, Joe Flynn swooped in to confess.
What’s fun about this is that Joe Flynn subscribes to my Substack so I have his email address. A quick search to make sure this was the real Joe Flynn easily confirmed it.
Here’s Joe Flynn’s email address, redacted. “JFlynn064” is also the handle of his Parler account and Instagram channels.
Here’s Joseph J. Flynn’s Substack profile:
I appreciate Joe giving me his email because it led to some notable discoveries, like this 8chan QAnon post two days after the insurrection where Joe Flynn admits that things didn’t go his way on 1/6 and worries that he would be banned by Twitter like his brother. He didn’t.
You see, as I understand it, to Twitter, an ivermectin-pushing Russian mafia goon, brainfucked by his brother to attempt to dismantle democracy is fine on Twitter. A middle aged dad trying to speak truth about it, not so much.
A feature of Substack that I never use is that you can see what individual users do with their subscriptions. Over the last week, Mike Flynn’s brother Joe has read a lot of stories on my blog, and many of them are about my trolls. Weird, right?
I kid. It’s not weird at all. Flynn’s allies hired the team of psychopathic sadists attacking me and trying to silence my voice. All of this time, effort and money being put into my coordinated harassment is about protecting the worst traitor in American history aka “Q” aka Michael T. Flynn. I have the receipts so they keep coming for me.
Regardless, Joe, thank you for this gift. I banned you from commenting but I appreciate you letting me know what you’ve read on my Substack. It’s quite helpful.
🙌 You will always outsmart these traitors. Keep going!! 💥