Every few days Joe Flynn sends me an article to make sure I know he’s thinking of me. It’s genuinely creepy and not just because Joe Flynn is the guy who does the dirty work of his brother, the worst traitor in American history, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn who is trying to create a Fourth Reich in America by toppling the government, but because I really think Joe Flynn believes this shit.
Joe Flynn is patient zero for QAnon. Mike Flynn practiced his craft on his own family and managed to radicalize them into a little ISIS-like brainwashed terrorist cell.
By the way, does anyone believe that out of all the treasonous Flynn children, Charles Flynn is the only one who isn’t in Mike’s cult? Really? Please absorb the fact that the Commanding General of USARPAC which would respond to a conflict with China is brothers with the cult member who wrote the following emails. This is a small selection. I think I have over 50.
TW: Homophobia. Joe Flynn has a bizarre infatuation with my body type and, well, my ass. 😑
So in today’s installment, Joe Flynn believes that by sending me an article from Glenn Beck, who is a pioneer of brainfucking people with blackboards full of scary Jooz and cOnNeCtinG lines, that somehow he owned me.
“So much much for horse dewormer not working dipshit.”
To be clear, ivermectin is NOT IN ANY WAY A TREATMENT FOR COVID. People have died from it. Go to a real doctor ffs. That goes double if you are listening to Glenn Beck in any amount.
So why did Joe Flynn send me an article by Glenn Beck to “prove” his murderous grift to sell horse dewormer to people was justified? And I’m being serious, sorta. Think about what it means for him to take the time to send me an email.
He must 1) care what I think, 2) believe that by sending this it would have some effect on my beliefs, 3) have completely separated from reality.
But it raises an intriguing question. Is the “real” Joe Flynn under there just struggling to come out? Maybe in more ways than one? 🤷♂️
Is it your time to shine, Joe Flynn? You could do the entire world a favor and come clean about what goes on in your encrypted chat with Mike and 1AP.
Flip on your brother Joe. You could save the world. I’ll even take you to a ballgame or something before you start your prison sentence. Then we can be pen pals. ⚾️🚓✍️
Whaddaya say, champ?
I see a sad remake of BrokeBack in that ass-obsessed Ace-9's future...
Don't want to know Predator Joe...tbs!
Well every moment he spends trolling you is a moment he isn’t threatening and intimidating people whose lives his brother destroyed.