[EDIT: Not the real George Conway!] Sorry George! To the moron impersonating him, here’s your correction. 🖕
Intentional credulity is the only explanation for Federalist Society member George Conway, who has said pro-democracy stuff in the past but still goes to bed with “alternative facts” every night.
George is arguing with my co-author and wants everyone to believe that Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller, who signed the memo ensuring the Capitol would be undefended on 1/6 — and presided over hours of delay during the insurrection — is totally on the up and up.

As @Gal_Suburban and I have detailed, Christopher Miller was at the center of a blatant effort to overturn democracy, conspiring with Mike and Charles Flynn, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Kash Patel, Donald Trump and many others. George Conway seems to be unaware that people who commit crimes don’t usually admit to them.
If George Conway wants to keep this up, he has to explain why the head of the DC National Guard said this about the DOD IG Report that George Conway relies on — in which Christopher Miller provably lies his ass off.
George Conway also has to explain why ten SecDefs specifically reminded Chris Miller of his duty to rule of law and country and not to interfere in elections three days before 1/6.
And Kellyanne’s hubby needs to explain why Chris Miller ignored ten SecDefs and signed this memo which led to cops being killed and the near death of democracy through election interference.
Miller’s explanations have always been factually deceptive at best.
George Conway is free to say whatever he wants, but defending seditionists is not going to be good for his image as a “reasonable Republican.”
Chris Miller is not a mastermind of anything, but he was at minimum complicit in the plan to overturn the election from the Pentagon. Chris Miller was in charge while people died, politicians were being hunted, and nothing was done.
George Conway should stop letting seditionists off the hook.
I don’t get his appeal. His hatred of Trump is not political; it’s personal and you don’t need me to explain why. Totally don’t trust him.
The guy that’s married to Jimmy ‘the brut’ DiNatales granddaughter 🤑……. Those 2 are a spin tag team imo.