Kiwi Farms
Invented by Fred Brennan’s friend and colleague, Josh Moon, it has reappeared on Russian servers, just like 8chan did.
Kiwi Farms is an offshoot of 8chan devoted to traumatizing targets that don’t fit into white nationalist ideals. Josh Moon is a psychopath who makes money and gets pleasure from creating a platform devoted to psychologically tormenting people. The targets are referred to as “lolcows.”
Everyone should read this thread.

Fred Brennan is literally the pioneer of suicide trolling. That was and is his goal. To cause misery and death. His started with women and GamerGate and expanded from there. Laundering his crimes through the media based on his blatant lies is unconscionable.

Ben Collins should listen to Brennan’s victims if he won’t listen to me. Listen to the thousands of people Brennan traumatized. The millions of people he radicalized. And the people who died because of what he created and encouraged.
The “takedown” of Kiwi Farms is designed to create heroes and villains when everyone knew what Kiwi Farms would do in response. Brennan is pretending to be against Kiwi Farms because that’s a way to launder his own responsibility for it.
Everyone knew Moon would crawl home to the Motherland and set up on Russian servers. They were instantly ready for it.

Fred Brennan also pretended to be against his own website 8chan after he knew it was going to be taken down because neo-nazi mass murders were being broadcast there.
Then 8chan came back up on Russian servers.
Earlier, I made a mistake and prematurely posted something which I corrected within a few minutes. Then someone created a “lolcow” account to troll me about it.
Brennan and his allies continue to harass and traumatize people in plain sight. It’s in the open and I won’t let it be whitewashed and ignored.
People like Ben Collins and others who are fooled by this group of trolls and liars are either wittingly or unwittingly spreading the same poison that got us all here in the first place.
This is a Russia-backed anti-American psychological operation to cause chaos and death in America. The people who cover for it are just as responsible as the people who engage in it.
Know your media
Greetings Jim:
The news media is not your friend. I know it is unfathomable to even consider, given the relative liberal and Democratic leanings of the news media and the corporate interests. Yet, that can always be changing. The most egregious example in the last year has been what happened to CNN. In short, CNN’s parent company Warner Media in 2021 split off from AT&T and merged with Discovery Communications. The largest shareholder of Discovery and the now Warner Bros. Discovery is Dr. John Malone, an alum of Yale University and the holder of 2.2 million shares of land. Dr. Malone is chairperson of Liberty Media and previously served as chair of TCI. He also owns the Atlanta Braves baseball team and is a libertarian that has donated to the Cato Institute and a few Republican and independent conservative politicians. One of those happens to be Donald Trump.
This goes further, of course, when looking at the CEO of WBD, David Zaslav. Mr. Zaslav, to my knowledge, is not politically Republican. He is, however, economically cheap. Were things to go his way, the whole of Warner Bros. Discovery would be reality TV pablum. Both Malone and Zaslav have little care for artistry; hence the unprecedented downturn in WBD stock and non-commitment to continuing business relationships with notable figures such as Clint Eastwood. More important is the negation of the ethos and ideals of Ted Turner, their previous largest shareholder and cable television genius. It was Turner that founded CNN. And it was CNN that brought news and opinion to a wider audience on a continual basis. Why, I can remember even 2 years ago their round the clock health reports and coverage. It was well needed. Yet in the last year, something has changed. In short, CNN and WBD have decided to become Fox News lite. Just go watch any news event on CNN and any journalist interview with a political figure and you will see why. Earlier this Sunday I was not pleased with the decision for Dana Bash to nicely interviewing 2022 Republican Senate nominee from Washington Tiffany Smiley. And only then following up with interviewing Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and grilling her. This is election tampering, especially for a race that should not even be considered competitive. Yet CNN is making it so, in the hopes that GQP wins equal ratings. Well, fuck that shit.
It is time, indeed, for CNN to be considered not worthy of our time. They let go of Chris Cuomo, John Harwood, Brian Stelter, and a few others over the last year. Indeed, it was Jeff Zucker’s decision to air many of Pres. Trump’s Nuremberg Rallies that cost us a clear win in 2016, which was stolen from us. And now, the brass at WBD is gutting their important film library and artistic legacies. In a way, this is just like the Murdoch family losing perspective in older age and going full bent on reactionary grievances. All the while screwing up the business structures that got them respected in the first place. We all know that the Warner library and studios will need to be bought out by another company to stay around. I am of the inference it will be The Walt DIsney Company, with or without Apple, that gets the entertainment assets damn quickly. Those assets will not include CNN, though. The second time an old-Time Warner division screws itself; the first being the Warner Music labels. I guess this will serve them right and leave CNN as the equivalent to a once respected station that is now a sleazy strip joint.
I will have more to say on this as the days and weeks go on. Suffice to say, it is important to remember that when the other side goes dirty, we need to go even further than dirty. This is something the Cuomo administration and the Cuomo family have undertaken and remembered. It is time we understand this as well. Or the damage will be done.
“To hold a people in oppression you have to convince them first that they are supposed to be oppressed.”
— John Henrik Clarke
Best Wishes and Kindest Regards,
Robert Kelly