Legal Complaint: Work In Progress
I figured I’d share it here. I prefer to give lawyers as little to do as possible.
Brad Shuttleworth, future defendant and future ex-lawyer, believes that I’m not serious about my lawsuit. This is both true and not true.
Here’s the truth, Brad. I have been compiling information for nearly two years in anticipation of a lawsuit that I have never wanted to go through with. I hoped some sliver of humanity would prevent you and your crew from continuously escalating this, and/or some of you would find a real job, and/or you would find another target at some point. But your professional coordinated harassment team is undaunted.
OK, so am I.
I have now come to the conclusion that you and your handlers have identified me as a someone too dangerous to your assigned narrative to allow to live his life and speak freely. A serious investment appears to have been made in having me stalked, traumatized and silenced in perpetuity.
Before you reflexively scoff, Brad, explain why you have spent 18 months doing this if you are not being paid by bad actors. If you claim this is just “a hobby,” you do understand that writing thousands and thousands of obsessively disparaging tweets about a stranger at a minimum makes you a dangerous stalker that anyone could get a restraining order on? You also must understand that would not be good for your law license?
Anyway, speaking of stalkers, of course Susan Portnoy had to weigh in as well:
Susan searches my name all day long to see 1) whether anyone has anything nice to say, in which case she swoops in to harass them, or 2) whether there is some trolling she should get in on. Susan has tweeted about me to her 90,000 followers over 20,000 times. For a random sample, the tweet above is a weak effort at intentionally misrepresenting my words while ignoring anything of meaning.
Here’s what I said in this article about fake leftist op Brandee Marckmann — sentences that Susan is reflexively trying to make fun of.
”I’ve literally never heard of this woman but her entry into my dedicated hate cult tells me everything I need to know about her.
Brandee is an op. Has been for quite a while. Her job is to pose as a leftist and infiltrate movements to make them as dysfunctional and extreme as possible while targeting anyone who is opposed to her.”
The point of the article was to find out why this rando was coming at me and in the process of finding out I figured out her LARP. Susan knows this, but as a professional psychological terrorist it doesn’t matter. Her job is to twist everything into a lie.
Anyway, I’m thoroughly tired of it.
So, unless a whole lot of confessing suddenly happens and Twitter does the right thing, gives me my account back and bans all of these people permanently, when I’m done with this, I will send it to my lawyer, and to the appropriate investigatory and law enforcement agencies, and we will begin the process.
I have been putting off writing this for a long time. The last thing I want is a court case but all of these people have gone much, much too far. They have infected the mainstream media, lied to Congress and influenced or paid off certain journalists to carry their water.
They have gone after family, friends, businesses and reputations. They wrote hit pieces, destroyed my volunteer group and engineered my ban from Twitter. They have been engaging in criminal conduct for too long unchecked by law enforcement and enabled by corrupt executives at Twitter Safety.
Note: I am not a lawyer. This is a layman’s draft to be shared with my counsel and all relevant law enforcement and investigatory agencies. Receipts and footnotes to be added. I am sharing this because I believe facts and truth are important. So is accountability.
If any of the people on this list want to explain why they shouldn’t be a defendant, you know how to reach me. Don’t do it like Defendant Rocco Castoro, however. That won’t work out for you. I’m putting this behind my paywall until it’s done.
Jim Stewartson (“Stewartson”) and Co-Plaintiffs
Additional unidentified Twitter accounts see Appendix A